Découvrez les 11 compagnies à Maurice qui ont été interdites de participer à des appels d’offres



Onze compagnies ont été sanctionnées par des «public bodies» depuis octobre 2017. Elles n’ont été pas été autorisées à participer à des exercices d’appels d’offres à Maurice pour des périodes allant jusqu’à six mois d’interdiction.

C’est ce qu’a indiqué le Premier ministre, Pravind Jugnauth, à une interpellation du député travailliste, Osman Mahomed, à l’Assemblée nationale, ce mardi 23 avril.

Ces compagnies soumissionnaires ont été punies pour diverses raisons : pauvre performance, retard dans la livraison des travaux, mauvaise qualité des services proposés. Certaines de ces sociétés ont déjà purgé leur suspension.

Ci-dessous la question du député Osman Mahomed, suivie de la réponse du Premier ministre.


The Honourable Third Member for Port Louis South and Port Louis Central (Mr Osman Mahomed)

To ask the Honourable Prime Minister, Minister of Home Affairs, External Communications and National Development Unit, Minister of Finance and Economic Development –

Whether, in regard to the public bodies, he will, for the benefit of the House, obtain from the Procurement Policy Office/Central Procurement Board, information as to the number of requests received therefrom for the debarment of suppliers, contractors and service providers from eligibility to bid for contracts therefor, since April 2017 to date and table the list thereof, indicating in each case the reasons therefor?


Madam Speaker,

I am advised that the Central Procurement Board is not a sanctioning body and does not, therefore, entertain any request from public bodies for debarment of suppliers.

However, the Public Procurement Act 2006 provides for sanctions against any defaulting supplier, contractor or consultant by the Procurement Policy Office (PPO) at national level and by any public body at its own level.

Any supplier debarred by the PPO is disqualified from participating in any public procurement exercise for a period not exceeding five years, while a supplier sanctioned by a public body is excluded from participating in any procurement exercise of that public body for a period not exceeding six months.

Madam Speaker,

Since April 2017 to date, the PPO has received 12 requests for debarment from public bodies. However, these requests did not provide sufficient evidence for the PPO to take action as provided by law. The requests were, therefore, referred back to these public bodies to either substantiate them in the manner required under the Act or to take action for exclusion at their own level. These public bodies did not proceed further due to insufficient evidence warranting sanction by them.

I am informed that the public bodies have sanctioned 11 other defaulting suppliers by excluding them from participation in their respective procurement exercises.

Madam Speaker,

I am tabling a list of the 12 cases referred to the PPO, as well as a list of the 11 suppliers who have been sanctioned by public bodies.

Ci-dessous les onze compagnies qui ont été sanctionnées : 


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