Cops have gone beyond their call of duty: Diana Penty – bollywood



A week into the lockdown, actor Diana Penty connected with the Byculla police station to try and understand the situation at hand. After their feedback, she teamed up with the Salaam Bombay Foundation (SBF) and connected with senior cops from various police stations across Mumbai, and that’s how the initiative #TheKhakiProject came about.

“We wanted to help those who were on the frontline, making sure people were off the street. We wanted to show our appreciation and give back in any possible manner. We narrowed down to two essentials – hand sanitisers and safety eyewear. We distributed the basic safety essentials to them so that they could protect themselves while on duty. With the assistance of SBF, we identified 10 police stations (with approx 2000 personnel) across South Mumbai that either fell under containment, or needed the supplies the most,” says the actor, who hopes to extend the support to all 94 police stations in Mumbai.  

Usually, celebrities are the face of an initiative to inspire others to help but Penty has been involved at all stages from conceptualising, to planning and execution. She has been hands on in packing and distribution. “It was natural for us to invest in the project personally as we feel strongly about the cause. It’s our little way of saying thank you to the Mumbai Police. They have not only ensured a smooth lockdown, but have also gone beyond their call of duty to help those in distress. It only feels right to do whatever we can to help them and we hope it can make a difference even if in a small way,” shares the 34-year-old.

The Parmanu: The Story of Pokhran (2018) actor reveals she has no complaints about being at home during the lockdown in the last two months. “This time has made me realise how lucky I am to have a home and the luxury of social distancing. It’s been heartbreaking reading about how people have been suffering during these tough times. I’m grateful for what I have and I think now more than ever, it’s important that we help those in need,” she says. 

Penty points out that the lockdown has had an impact on every single one of us in some way or the other. “For one, it’s helped me realise that I’m way more capable around the house than I could ever imagine!! (laughs) But on a serious note, I’ve had the time to think about things, life, the world in general and my place in it. It’s been a great opportunity for me to connect with myself, discover myself, introspect and learn. I have learnt to value even the little things in life that I would otherwise have taken for granted. I value the people I’m close to and whom I love,” she signs off.


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