Officers of the Central Investigation Bureau (CBI) visited late actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s apartment in Mumbai on Saturday morning. The were seen at the residence with actor’s elder sister Meetu Singh and members of his staff.
The officers were seen at the terrace of the building. Reportedly, Sushant’s cook and caretakers Neeraj and Keshav were also present with them. His flatmate Siddharth Pithani was also there.
Sushant’s sister Meetu at the actor’s home.
Varinder Chawla
The Narcotics Crime Bureau had on Friday arrested Rhea Chakraborty’s brother Showik Chakraborty and her associate Samuel Miranda under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act in a case related to Sushant’s death.
The two accused persons were produced before a Mumbai court for custody in the case. They were remanded to NCB custody till September 9. Earlier, the NCB had arrested two others — Zaid Vilatra and Kaizen Ibrahim — in the matter.
Sushant, 34, was found dead at his apartment in suburban Bandra on June 14, following which the Mumbai police was looking into the matter.
However, on August 19, the Supreme Court upheld the transfer of an FIR, lodged by Sushant’s father at Patna against actor Rhea Chakraborty and others for allegedly abetting his suicide, to the CBI. The Enforcement Directorate was also roped in for the investigation.
The NCB launched an investigation after it received official communication from ED, in which there were various chats related to drug consumption, procurement, usage and transportation in connection with the Sushant case.
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