British Airways to fly two more direct flights to St Lucia



British Airways (BA) has announced the introduction of two additional direct flights per week to the Eastern Caribbean island nation Saint Lucia. Next summer, the flights will commence from 4 July 2020, and will run through to 29 August 2020. They will offer three classes of service and add an average of 600 additional seats weekly to facilitate travel to the island.

Allen Chastanet, Prime Minister of St Lucia said: “We are elated with this latest development and the good fortune it spells for our continued efforts at growing visitor arrivals from the UK market.”

Dominic Fedee, tourism minister of St Lucia added: “This bold decision by British Airways, with whom Saint Lucia has a long-standing mutually beneficial relationship, certainly helps in filling the void left by Virgin Atlantic and their proposed pull out next year. This new arrangement means that with more than 600 additional seats weekly, we now benefit from a net gain during July and August of more than 200 seats.”

The additional flights will bring British Airways’ scheduled direct service from London to Saint Lucia up from seven to nine flights weekly. Currently, Saint Lucia is serviced by 14 direct BA flights that interconnect between London, Trinidad and Grenada.


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