Brazil: Best destination for adventure tourism



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Brazil has been voted the best destination for adventure tourism in the world by US News & World Report. The country was ahead of 78 evaluated nations, reinforcing the full Brazilian potential, especially in the post-pandemic scenario.

The report pointed out that Brazil reached more than 80 points out of a total of 100, in categories such as climate, scenery and fun. The international report evaluates several items, such as cultural influence, in which the country ranked 13th place.

As a continental country, the options for adventure tourism are vast and can be found from north to south. From Botas, in the countryside of São Paulo, to Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, passing by Chapada dos Veadeiros, in Goiás, and Captólio, in Minas Gerais: offers are abundant for all types of tourists.

Among the countries that are most vaccinated against Covid-19 in the world, Brazil is ready to welcome adventurous travellers for a lifetime experience.

The post Brazil: Best destination for adventure tourism appeared first on Travel Daily.


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