
The post BATTLE OF THE 5-STAR LONDON HOTEL GIANTS appeared first on TD (Travel Daily Media) Travel Daily.


 Two of London’s top, most famous luxury hotels are without a doubt the Ritz in Piccadilly and the Savoy near Covent Garden. Both of these stunning properties have a long, rich, and fascinating history, and both have been graced by celebrities and VIPs from around the world. These two hotels have become household names over the decades and are synonymous with luxury, royalty, decadence, style, and opulence.

As a freelance writer, I was lucky enough to be commissioned by a client to stay at both of these grand hotels recently. I spent four nights at the Ritz followed by five nights at the Savoy. There is no doubt that these two hotels are famous for good reason – they both ooze elegance, style, and glamour.

Of course, rooms at these hotels do not come cheap, and for many people, it is a case of trying to decide which of them to choose for a once-in-a-lifetime luxury hotel experience. Hopefully, this review based on personal experience will help you to make your choice with greater ease.

A Strong Connection – Cesar Ritz

The two hotels are seen as rivals, and they both have one very strong connection in the form of the Swiss hotelier Cesar Ritz. He was asked to manage the Savoy by Richard D’Oyly Carte not long after it opened. Ritz, along with his revolutionary chef Auguste Escoffier, transformed the newly opened Savoy into a place to be seen by members of high society.

However, following accusations of criminal activity at the Savoy, both were dismissed. Unperturbed, Ritz continued with his own hotel projects as part of the Ritz Hotel syndicate. The syndicate was formed with Alfred Beit, one of the world’s wealthiest men at that time. This saw the creation of a number of hotels, one of which was the Ritz in London.

Comparisons Between the Two 5-Star Giants of the Hotel Industry

Prior to December 2020, I had never stayed in or visited either of these hotels, so I went in not knowing what to expect. Of course, I did some research beforehand, and one thing from social media became clear – each of these hotels has a loyal following. I came to think of them as Team Ritz and Team Savoy, with fans of the Ritz commenting on how much better the hotel was compared to the Savoy and vice versa. These fans are passionate about their respective hotels, and you can tell that they have a special place in their hearts for both the hotel and staff.

I was curious to find out which ‘team’ I would be joining upon my return from London, and I must admit that I always believed that it would be Team Savoy. Before my trip, I just got the general impression that the Savoy would be more up my street in terms of ambiance, quirkiness, and décor. In fact, I will go as far as to say that I was extremely nervous about my few days at the Ritz because I thought it would mean treading on eggshells and feeling completely out of place.

In this review, I will be going through each of the key aspects of the two hotels so that readers can compare each one. As part of the trip, I tried the same experiences at each hotel so that I could compare – for instance, afternoon tea, dinner at the restaurant, and the hotel bar.

Key Comparisons Between the Ritz and the Savoy

Below are details of some of the key aspects of these two hotels and how they measured up:

Greeting and Check-In


We arrived at the Ritz and asked the driver to drop us off around the corner from the hotel. For ten minutes we lurked around the corner with our cases as we were still nervous! Finally, we walked toward the hotel and were greeted warmly by the doormen as though we were returning guests. Right away, I felt far more at ease. The doormen whisked our cases away, and we entered the hotel. I felt that the entrance from outside was far more understated and low-key than expected, but when I stepped inside, I found myself in the most enchanting surroundings.

As we entered, we were beckoned over by a nice lady at the reception desk who greeted me by name. The check-in process was very efficient, speedy, and professional, and she informed us that we had been upgraded to a junior suite, which was a delightful surprise. She then gave us our key and showed us where the main areas such as the restaurant and bar were as she walked us to the lift.

When we stepped out of the lift to find our room (just around the corner), a member of staff was already waiting outside with our cases! He introduced himself as Chris and was so polite and professional. After setting up our suitcases in the room, he provided some information, answered a few questions we had, and then swiftly departed with an impressive level of efficiency. I am pretty sure I saw him gliding across the room and then I blinked, and he was gone!


When we took a taxi to the Savoy, we were dropped off right outside the doors. The doormen quickly made their way over and relieved us of our baggage. As we entered through the famous revolving doors, the surroundings were beautiful and elegant, although smaller than I had expected.

The process for checking in was quick and efficient, friendly, and hassle-free. Elanor who checked us in told us that we had been upgraded to a Deluxe River View room, which was another wonderful surprise. She then showed us where the main guest areas such as the restaurant and bar were before escorting us to our room via one of the unique and eye-catching lifts.

Shortly after we got to the room, our cases arrived and were quickly set up by a member of staff. The whole process ran very smoothly from arrival to getting to our beautiful room. The view was so lovely, we really didn’t want to leave the room, but we had appointments booked.

Hotel Room


As mentioned earlier, we were upgraded to a junior suite (216), and it was so beautiful. There was a seating area with a sofa, chairs, and table, a huge and very comfortable bed, really traditional and luxurious décor, and a nice view that looked out onto Piccadilly. I spent a lot of time people-watching through that window during my time at the hotel.

The room was spacious and beautifully maintained as you would expect at the Ritz. There was a complimentary bottle of champagne, full-size bottles of mineral water, a jar of Ritz nuts, luxury chocolate, and a lovely message waiting for us on the table. That was a lovely touch and much appreciated.

The suite had a fridge (as minibars were removed due to COVID) and a decent sized TV with a range of Sky channels to watch. There were also two gorgeous umbrellas with the most unusual handles that reminded me of props from a Stephen King movie – I really want one of those umbrellas and wish I had asked if I could purchase one while there!

The bathroom in the suite was also stunning, with a small walk-in shower and a separate sparkling bath with gold trimmings. Everything looked so luxurious and pristine, it was marvellous, and the toiletries were of excellent quality.

At home and other hotels that I have been to, the bath takes a long time to fill. So, after I had started running a bath I went into the main room for a few minutes. As I walked back toward the bathroom, I saw water coming from the door. The bath had filled so quickly it had overflowed and the water was all over the floor and coming into the hallway of the suite!

Naturally, I was horrified and panicking. Fortunately, a quick call downstairs was all it took to arrange for someone to come up and clear up the mess I had inadvertently made once we had left the room (due to COVID). We threw some towels on the floor to soak up the water in the meantime while we got ready to go out. When we returned to our room later that evening, the mess was all cleared up and all towels replaced.


At the Savoy, they very generously upgraded us to a Deluxe River View room (316), and it was truly stunning. The room was very spacious, and as we walked in there was classical music playing. We were instantly drawn to the huge window, which we were able to open slightly. The view was incredible, as we could see across the Thames to the London Eye, see some of the Thames boats, the OXO Tower, and more. At night, it looked magical with all the lights and colours reflecting on the water of the Thames.

Like the Ritz, there was a lovely note from the management along with some fruit and bottled water. There was a fridge that we could use (as there was no minibar set up due to COVID) and a Nespresso coffee machine with pods. The TV was nice and big with a range of digital channels to choose from. Everything looked lovely and the room had a quirky and unusual green chandelier.

The bathroom was huge, and there was a gorgeous freestanding bath in the middle of the room along with a huge walk-in shower. There was plenty of room for all my toiletries, hair products, and makeup. There were also plenty of complimentary toiletries that were lovely and also of great quality. Taking a bath was like a comedy act – it was so huge that I really struggled to get my leg up high enough to get in and out of it. I also filled it no more than halfway, as otherwise, I might have drowned (I am only 5 ft tall).

One thing I did notice is that the bed springs seemed to be sticking out quite a bit along the sides and top of the mattress. As a result, the bed was not as comfortable as I had hoped although it was huge. Overall, we were really happy with the room, and in particular the view.

Afternoon Tea


Afternoon tea at the Ritz gets booked up many months in advance, so we were lucky to get a slot at all given that we booked a few weeks ahead. Due to COVID, there had been a few cancellations, so we managed to get a 7.30 pm slot at the Palm Court.

This is one of the areas in the hotel where you need to dress more formally, so we both made an effort and headed downstairs. We were greeted by the very polite gentleman just outside the Palm Court, and he led us to our table. It was quite magical, as there was a choir singing Christmas carols and a pianist playing just outside. It was also beautifully decorated for Christmas.

The service was excellent in the Palm Court, and everything was done swiftly and with the greatest of efficiency – something we had become used to at the Ritz by this time. We had already informed the hotel that one of us was vegetarian and the other vegan, and they had prepared a variety of savoury and sweet delights for us. The sandwiches and cakes were delicious, and our chosen tea was wonderful.

The whole ambiance of afternoon tea at the Ritz was lovely – elegant, stylish, luxurious. It is definitely something that I recommend for those visiting London or staying at the Ritz.


We took afternoon tea at the Savoy on the very first day of arrival, and like the Ritz, it was a lovely experience. The Thames Court where the afternoon tea is served is a lovely and relaxing space. It is a stylish yet informal area where you can dress in smart casual clothing, and the chairs are wonderfully comfortable.

Our afternoon tea was at 2.30 pm, and as we arrived a pianist was playing in the gazebo area in the middle of the room. The whole room looked elegant and festive with all the beautiful decorations – positively sparkling.

After being seated, we were quickly attended to by a lovely polite waiter, who told us he wanted to make this the best afternoon tea experience for us. He first brought over our drinks and then a tasty savoury dish for each of us. After this came the sandwiches and cakes along with the tea we ordered.

Although it was sumptuous, we were unable to manage all of our afternoon tea, and there was a danger of the cakes going to waste. Fortunately, the waiter realised we had given up and arranged for the cakes to be put in the fridge for us. He told us to simply call down whenever we wanted them to be brought up to the room.

Afternoon tea in the Thames Foyer was delightful, as it was elegant and luxurious yet very relaxing and informal. Definitely to be recommended if you are visiting London or staying at the Savoy.

Hotel Bar


When we first stepped into the Rivoli Bar, it was smaller and more intimate than I had imagined from the photos online. The room oozed style and decadence – as some people have mentioned in reviews, it was like stepping onto the Orient Express in terms of décor.

We were quickly seated and the service, as always, was swift and remarkably efficient. This is one of the areas where you can dress in smart casual clothing, so we wore jeans as we were heading out straight after drinks and lunch.

As expected, the cocktails here do not come cheap but, my word, they were delicious. At one point, we both ordered a cocktail each, and then a member of staff quickly came over to inform us that one of the cocktails was not vegan. It was very attentive of them to notice this and remember that one of us was vegan.

A little later, the barman came over to our table and asked what sort of drinks we like. I told him I like vodka-based drinks and raspberries, and he created a wonderful and absolutely divine cocktail based on that. This very personalised service was so refreshing and much appreciated.

Along with our cocktails, we also had club sandwiches and they created vegan and vegetarian ones for us, as they were not on the menu. The sandwiches came with chips and were very tasty, although, like the drinks, they don’t come cheap. In addition, when you order drinks, you also receive a very generous serving of luxury nibbles free of charge, and these are rather filling on their own!


The Beaufort Bar at the Savoy is elegant and stylish, with rich and decadent gold combined with black. While the Rivoli Bar was a bright, light space, the Beaufort Bar is a mysterious dark one. It had a nice atmosphere and was much larger than I had expected.

We visited before dinner at the hotel, and we were led to a cosy settee area that was comfortable and suitably atmospheric. The waiter came over very quickly to take our drinks order and was a jovial yet professional young man. The cocktails here are expensive but there are some exciting options to choose from. Our cocktails were nice and refreshing and were brought over promptly.

In addition to our cocktails, we also ordered a small dish each, which we planned to have as a starter and then have our main course and dessert in the hotel restaurant. The dishes were fine, nothing special but not bad. Pricing on the dishes was high for what you get, but that was expected.

As a result of ordering food to go with our cocktails, we were delayed slightly and realised we would not make our dinner table on time. So, we spoke to our waiter and he very quickly and helpfully went and informed the restaurant staff that we would be around half an hour late. This then enabled us to finish our drinks and food without feeling too rushed.

The experience was a pleasant and relaxed one – the dress code is smart casual at the Savoy’s Beaufort Bar, so there were plenty of people in jeans although we dressed up for the occasion.

Hotel Restaurant


Our visit to the Ritz restaurant was truly one of the highlights of our stay not only at the hotel but in London. It was such an incredible experience from start to finish, and one that I am eager to repeat as soon as I can.

For dinner at the Ritz, you need to dress up and make an effort, and this is what we did. We made our way downstairs in all our finery and were politely greeted by the friendly gentleman outside the restaurant. We were then taken to our seats, and even given the history of the table, which was the ‘Charlie Chaplin table’.

We felt really special walking into this beautiful restaurant and being seated. It really is a stunning room, and the lighting, ambiance, and music is spot on. Our table was close to the window, and all tables were suitably socially distanced. The position of our table also gave us a perfect view across the restaurant.

Shortly after being seated, someone came around with the champagne trolley and we both had a glass of crisp, cold champagne. As we sipped it and relaxed in the lovely surroundings, I felt like I was in a classic movie of some sort, particularly with the ambient music in the background.

Our two waiters for the evening introduced themselves as Julio and Giovanni, and they were a very professional, extremely quirky, and truly delightful double act. It was such a wonderful experience to watch them whip the silver lids off the dishes in synchronisation and then explain exactly what the dish was. These two were top-notch waiters, so well-presented, and so enthusiastic. I hope next time I dine there I get the same table and the same waiters.

On top of this, we did not receive a menu at the table – instead, the chef had prepared a series of vegetarian dishes for me and vegan for my guest. Dishes kept coming, and coming, and coming – it was amazing. And the food itself was exquisite; I wasn’t even hungry after the first few courses but forced myself to continue. We could barely move by the end, and still had some champagne left. One of the waiters arranged to have it sent to our room, and somehow it magically arrived up there along with a range of posh nibbles before we even managed to get up to the room!

This is a dining experience that I will not forget in a hurry, and I can see why the Ritz Restaurant is so highly regarded. Everything from the appearance and ambiance to the service and food was impeccable and could not be faulted.


The Savoy Grill is one of the key areas where the hotel let itself down, at least on this occasion. We emailed and asked for a booth seat well beforehand (around three weeks before our trip to London), as the other tables and seats did not look all that comfortable. We were told this was fine and it was confirmed by email.

We were a little late in arriving due to waiting for food service in the hotel bar, but the waiter in the bar had informed the restaurant staff that we would be half an hour late. After being seated in a ‘holding’ area, we were then led to a tiny table barely big enough for two shoved up against a pillar in the dark. I would have enjoyed more comfort at a McDonald’s – and better service no doubt. The holding area where they had seated us for five minutes to wait for the table was far better.

The waiter who came to take our order was abrupt and verging on rude – it looked like he was bored and just wanted to go. At one point he removed his facemask and leaned right down to my guest because we couldn’t hear what he was saying to us due to the noise from surrounding tables. He came across as sullen and sulky – service without a smile. The restaurant was noisy, had no ambiance, seemed hectic, and it was like being in some sort of very dark canteen.

I also did not expect to end the evening knowing what colour the waiter’s underpants were, but I did. Not sure how the other waiters in the restaurant were presented, as it was so dark in the area that our excuse for a table was shoved into, we could barely see the menu never mind other people. However, the waiter that was serving us looked like he was in some sort of state of undress with his trousers not even pulled up far enough to cover the top of his undies!

It was a hugely disappointing experience and one that I will not be repeating. There was no atmosphere, the service was rushed and unprofessional, and to tell the truth, I was glad when it was over. The food we had was pretty good, but we left after one course as we did not want to spend any more time there.

Room Service


The room service at the Ritz did not disappoint – as with all other aspects of the hotel’s service, it was professional, efficient, and easy to arrange. I wanted an omelette late one evening, so we called downstairs. Half an hour later, a member of staff arrived with the omelette. He was eager to come in and set everything up for us, but I was halfway through getting changed so my partner had to ask him to leave it outside. The food was delicious and beautifully presented, it arrived in a timely manner, and I had no problem placing my order despite ordering late.


I did have some issues with the room service at the Savoy. The service itself was fine – when we placed an order, a lovely and very professional gentleman brought it up and got the table all set up for us in the room. However, actually getting the food I wanted was the issue I had.

As a vegetarian, the items available on the room service menu are limited. One evening, I decided to try and order an omelette to compare to the one at the Ritz. I was told that eggs can only be ordered during breakfast time. In fact, the only option available to us was a sandwich, as everything else was meat or had other ingredients we could not eat.

Another example of the room service was the ringing of our room doorbell at 5.15 am one morning. We woke up to hear the bell going and then the phone ringing. When we opened the door, there was a member of staff who told us our coffees were here and placed them on the table before disappearing. The only problem was that we had not ordered any coffees and had been awoken at 5.15 am for nothing. So, we then had to call down to tell them so they could remove the coffees from our bill.

Staff and Service


The word that comes to mind when I think about the staff and service at the Ritz is ‘impeccable’. Every member of staff we encountered seemed to be proud of what they were doing, enthusiastic, professional, well presented, and friendly.

Fred, the doorman, is a real credit to the hotel. He is so friendly and personable while remaining professional. By the end of day one, we had learned about how he got his job on the door – and how chuffed and happy he was to be doing it. He was so enthusiastic about his work and such a lovely guy. The other doorman who was on during our stay was also very friendly and welcoming – it was always nice to be greeted by them when returning to the hotel.

Chris, the very polite young man who dealt with our luggage upon arrival and departure, was also a credit. He was such a pleasant and well-spoken person, and a delight to speak to. In addition, the two waiters I mentioned earlier along with the gentlemen who seated us in the restaurant were wonderful. In the Rivoli Bar, the staff was always ready to provide great service with a smile and go out of their way to get us the food and drinks we wanted.

Every staff member we personally dealt with at the hotel was top-notch in terms of the way they presented themselves, their attitude, the service they provided, and their enthusiasm for what they were doing.


While I am sure there were probably many members of staff who were great at the Savoy, we really never got to see or get to know them – more often than not, there was nobody around other than behind the check-in desk. So much so, that I do not know any of the staff member names other than a couple of the doormen – and that is only because I saw them on a TV documentary!

One evening, we ordered some coffees and a female member of staff brought them up to our room. We were struggling with the room service menu as the QR code in the room would not work, so she said she would bring a paper one up for us right away. Two hours later, nothing. We finally got dressed to go out and get some air and when we got downstairs, she was behind the reception desk. Upon request, she printed a menu and gave it to us without any acknowledgement that she was meant to be bringing it to the room two hours earlier although she did ask if we enjoyed the coffees!

When she originally came to the room, we also asked how the coffee machine worked (never used one!). She mumbled something about there being water in the machine, then disappeared without any further explanation so we didn’t bother using it in five days. We felt too embarrassed to ask again…

I also noticed that half the time the doormen at the hotel were nowhere to be seen even when nobody was arriving or leaving. On occasion, when they were there they would be on their mobile phones and if someone approached, they would cross their hands in front of them to conceal the phone. While this is not something that bothered me, there may be some guests that find it a little unprofessional.

One final thing was the fruit that was left for us in the room upon arrival, which was a lovely gesture. However, we did not eat the fruit and it was left there for five days despite staff coming in to clean the room while we were out. By the end of the stay, it had all gone mouldy and was falling apart on the plate. There were also some cakes that had been left from afternoon tea and sent to the room. These were also left there for five days without being taken away.

Costs and Service Charges


One of the things I love about the Ritz is its traditional values – this means you are not hit with service charges. You are charged whatever the value of your purchase or service is. It is then up to you whether you want to leave a tip and how much you want to tip. This is so refreshing to see these days, particularly in London.

We ended up paying 12.5 percent in most places in London even when the service was bad or non-existent. At the Ritz, we were not given bills with service charges added even though the service we received here was undoubtedly the best of our entire trip. I gave a tip to staff because it was deserved not because it was automatically added.

Of course, drinks and food at the Ritz are reassuringly expensive, but guests who stay here will already know and expect that. Both the food and drink are exquisite, so I did not begrudge the higher prices. Room rates are also high given that this is one of the world’s top hotels. However, there are some great special deals on the hotel website for those who book directly.


I don’t think I have come across anywhere that adds so many service charges. No matter what you do, you are hit with a service charge of up to 15 percent. If you look at a member of staff for more than two seconds, they probably add a service charge. Okay, perhaps not for looking at someone – however, they do add a service charge to your overall rate for the room, and given the cost of rooms per night, this really bumps up the bill.

If you have drinks in the bar, there is a service charge. Go to the restaurant where the service was dire verging on non-existent – you have a service charge. If you order room service, there is a service charge. Not quite sure why they then also put a service charge on your overall room rate of a further 5 percent. I started wondering if they were adding a service charge to the service charges – it seemed to be never-ending.

The worst thing is when we ordered room service, we felt compelled to tip the person who was delivering the food or drinks. So, we ended up paying even more because we were tipping cash to some staff members and paying a load of service charges on top of that.

The cost of the rooms on the website is quite high even with special offers, and I found a better deal on another hotel booking site. However, when I mentioned this to the Savoy reservations team, they offered to match that rate. I liked the fact that they offered this, as it meant I got a much better rate and could still book directly with the hotel.

General Ambiance


When it comes to general ambiance, the Ritz has a magical atmosphere that makes you feel like you have stepped off the busy streets of London and straight into another world. It is so peaceful and calm, with the music from the pianist making it even more relaxed and enchanting. The décor is breath-taking and decadent without being kitsch and tacky. Every member of staff you walk past greets you with a nod and a smile.


Despite the obvious elegance and beautiful décor of the Savoy, the one thing it lacked was any ambiance. I felt nothing as I walked through the hotel, it was almost clinical. Maybe it was because the hotel was quieter due to COVID, but everything seemed so bland and ‘out of a tin’. Most of the time, there were no staff members around other than the ones behind reception. I think the best word to describe the atmosphere during the time I visited is ‘soulless’.

Dress Code


Admittedly, I was quite confused about the Ritz dress code before I travelled. I read that smart casual was fine for the Rivoli bar and breakfast, but that formalwear was required for the Palm Court and the restaurant (other than breakfast). However, I was unsure whether their version of smart casual included smart jeans. Some reviewers on TripAdvisor had stated that jeans were not allowed at all while others said they were.

With this in mind, I contacted the hotel directly several times to clarify and was told different things. Some said that smart jeans were fine while others said jeans are not allowed anywhere. Eventually, I was given an email address to contact a senior member of staff to clarify, and she was very helpful and provided full details of the dress code. You can indeed wear jeans in communal areas and in the areas that state smart casual dress code. However, the Palm Court along with lunch and dinner in the restaurant require smart/formal outfits, and trainers are not allowed at all.

I did actually like the fact that some areas had a strict dress code, as it forced me to make an effort. I am the kind of person who would gladly live in my jeans, and I would probably have worn jeans most of the time during my stay. However, the smart dress code meant that I had to dress up a bit, and this made the occasion feel all the more special.


The Savoy has a smart casual dress code in all areas, so you do not have to dress up to the nines. However, even the smart casual dress code was not really enforced, and many people were wandering around in outfits that I would never have associated with the dining areas of a 5-star luxury hotel. We did dress up one evening for the bar and restaurant, but we felt completely out of place and wished we had worn our jeans instead.

Overall Impression


After arriving at the Ritz, I was nervous at first. However, I felt at home within the hour. My overall impression is that the Ritz is often unfairly labelled as snobbish or pretentious, and I found it to be anything but. It was very classy, extremely elegant, wonderfully stylish, and positively charming on all levels. It was a real experience and one that I am very glad I got to try. I cannot wait to return and have already booked another stay for next year – something I very rarely do when carrying out hotel reviews.

I felt like I had stepped back in time to a place that oozed British tradition and unashamed decadence. At the same time, I felt completely relaxed and at home despite the lavish surroundings. When you walk through those doors, you are made to feel really special – and it is all too easy to forget you are in the heart of London.

This is a hotel that is enchanting, luxurious, and provides a unique, personal, and very special experience. Cesar Ritz famously said that he wanted staff at his hotels to “see all without looking; hear all without listening; be attentive without being servile; anticipate without being presumptuous.” Well, I am pretty sure he would be delighted by the staff at the Ritz London.

A stay at the Ritz is not just a hotel stay – it is a unique experience.


Arriving at this hotel was a grand experience and walking through the entrance into such an elegant space was amazing. However, the thing that was lacking was any sort of special ambiance or atmosphere. It was all so cold and run of the mill. I could have been in any very attractive hotel; there was nothing that made it feel like I was somewhere special, historic, and famous.

The Savoy is a very nice hotel in terms of aesthetics, of that there is no doubt. But it feels like an upmarket standard chain hotel with minimal atmosphere. There was often an air of hecticness about it; it seemed disorganized despite very few guests.

To me, the ambiance at this hotel was like a very luxurious version of a Premier Inn – a chain-like feel that was very impersonal. This feeling was further enhanced when the doorman waved us off upon departure after calling us Mr & Mrs. Fisher (definitely not us!). I am glad I got to experience the famous Savoy, but it is not somewhere I am in any hurry to stay at again.

A stay at the Savoy is not an experience – it is a hotel stay.

A Proud Member of Team Ritz!

Don’t get me wrong – both of these hotels deserve their 5-star ratings and reputations. However, one clearly fell short when it came to service, atmosphere, and general experience compared to the other. I came away feeling that there is a hotel just like the Savoy in every major city, but that the Ritz is one of a kind. Thanks to the wonderful stay, magical atmosphere, incredible staff, and unique experience, I am without a doubt a proud member of Team Ritz!




The post BATTLE OF THE 5-STAR LONDON HOTEL GIANTS appeared first on Travel Daily.


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