Actor Manoj Bajpayee and filmmaker Anubhav Sinha have teamed up for Bhojpuri rap song on migrant workers, Bambai Main Ka Ba and the song is now out. The song chronicles the journey and emotions of a migrant worker who leaves the comfort of home behind to move to a bigger city for the sake of livelihood.
The video opens with rushed visuals of migrants struggling for basic needs such as food and shelter. Manoj then enters the picture at the Mumbai Central Railway station. With the help of the lyrics and the video, we are then taken through the feelings of a migrant worker who loves the scent of the earth in his native village but is stuck in a metro for the sake of earning their daily bread.
Directed and conceptualised by Anubhav , the song has been penned down by Dr Sagar and crooned by the actor. Sankarshan Thakur has written the English lyrics for the song that landed online Wednesday afternoon. Anurag Saikia has composed the music for the song and some news footage has been used for the visuals.
Sharing the song, Manoj tweeted, “Presenting you the most awaited Janata ke bharpoor maang par with love Beating heart #BambaiMeinKaBa https://bit.ly/35kcYBS @anubhavsinha @itsBhushanKumar @TSeries @BenarasM @AnuraagPsychaea @DrsagarJNU @BenarasB #BambaiMainKaBa.”
Speaking about his own journey from a small village in Bihar to Mumbai, Manoj had told Humans of Bombay, “I’m a farmer’s son. I grew up in a village in Bihar with 5 siblings–we went to a hut school. We led a simple life, but whenever we went to the city, we’d go to the theatre. I was a Bachchan fan and wanted to be like him. At 9, I knew acting was my destiny,” he said.
Talking about how he faced rejections in Mumbai, he said, “Initially, it was tough–I rented a chawl with 5 friends & looked for work, but got no roles. Once, an AD tore my photo & I’ve lost 3 projects in a day. I was even told to ‘get out’ after my 1st shot. I didn’t fit the ideal ‘hero’ face–so they thought I’d never make it to the big screen. All the while, I struggled to make rent & at times even a vada pav was costly.”
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