Australia’s tourism industry is ready to grow back.



Bad news spreads faster than bushfire, and the ‘green shoots’ for Australia’s tourism industry are on the way.

Australia has experienced unprecedented bushfires and tragic loss of homes, human and animal life. However, another real threat to Australia’s livelihood and its economy looms following the hellish fires.

While international governments, corporations, and philanthropy have donated hundreds of millions of dollars for the country’s immediate recovery; the short and long term loss of international tourism poses a more significant threat to Australia’s economy.

The fire season isn’t over yet; however, it’s time to bring the media’s apocalyptic scenarios to an end and regrow Australia’s positive travel image that has made it such a desirable, famous destination.

Awareness and balanced, well-informed opinions from the international travel industry are essential and cancelled or delayed travel should be considered carefully.

Australia’s prolific fires are undeniable, and it is an enormous country, yet most of it isn’t affected, and the smoke haze covering some of its cities will lift shortly.

The rains drizzle hope and healing to the scorched earth and the hearts of Aussies causing us to dance like pagans. Fire is part of Australia’s ecosystem, and resilience unites its citizens and ecology in recovery, rebuilding, and new growth. It’s always been a way of life, and it’s been managed by Australia’s indigenous population for eons.

Tourism Australia’s managing director, Philippa Harrison, and her team are in full swing and spreading the right message:

“The number one priority right now continues to be the emergency response to these devastating bushfires and the safety of communities and tourists in affected areas. As we have seen from past severe weather events and natural disasters, tourism is an extremely resilient sector.

“When affected communities are ready to once again welcome visitors, tourism will continue to play an essential role in supporting their recovery. The best thing that we can do at a time like this is to back our tourism industry and communities, and continue to market all the wonderful things about Australia and our people to the world.”

Here is an excellent travel trade guide to know where the dangerous spots are, and how most of the country is unaffected. Travel trade information is available here.

Bush fires play an essential role in Australia’s forest’s ecology, and several plant species seed pods require extreme heat to explode and release their seeds. Undergrowth becomes too thick, and controlled fires are essential in eliminating the higher risks to townships and rural communities.

The Australian holiday dream is still safe, accessible, alive, and well.

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