Assemblée nationale : le PM dévoile la liste des activités autorisées à partir du 15 mai 



Le chef du gouvernement, Pravind Jugnauth a, lors de la tranche du Prime Minister Question Time (PMQT), ce mardi 5 mai, à l’Assemblée nationale, dévoilé une liste d’activités qui pourront repartir dès le 15 mai, en sus des services essentiels.

Pravind Jugnauth répondait à une question du député du Parti mauricien social-démocrate de Mahébourg/Plaine-Magnien, Richard Duval. 

Des permis seront délivrés aux secteurs suivants pour qu’ils puissent reprendre leurs activités :

  • (a) Les quincailleries 
  • (b) Le métro et les taxis, avec un nombre limité de passagers 
  • (c) Les motocyclistes sans passager (sauf enfant ou conjoint)
  • (d) Les restaurants et la restauration rapide : services à emporter, en voiture et à domicile uniquement 
  • (e) Les coiffeurs, poissonniers, ‘meat sellers’, plombiers, électriciens, etc.
  • (f) Les baby-sitters
  • (g) Les pêcheurs
  • (h) Les officiers du secteur public

À savoir que le couvre-feu sanitaire a été étendu jusqu’au 1er juin.

Ci-dessous la question du député Richard Duval, suivie de la réponse du Premier ministre : 

The Honourable Fourth Member for Mahebourg and Plaine Magnien 
(Mr Richard Duval)

To ask the Honourable Prime Minister, Minister of Defence, Home Affairs and External Communications, Minister for Rodrigues, Outer Islands and Territorial Integrity –

Whether, in regard to the Workplace Access Permit, he will, for the benefit of the House, obtain from the Commissioner of Police, information as to the (a) number thereof issued since 19 March 2020 to date (b) eligibility criteria for the issue thereof and (c) actions taken by the Police force to ensure the execution of the Curfew Order?


Mr Speaker, Sir,

    Following the identification of the first three cases of COVID-19 in Mauritius on 18 March 2020, I addressed the nation on 19 March 2020 and announced, amongst others, the decision to impose a sanitary confinement for the Republic of Mauritius to be effective as from 0600 hours on Friday 20 March 2020. The aim was to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus disease.

Subsequently, on 22 March 2020, with a view to enforcing the decision, a first Curfew Order, made by the Minister of Health and Wellness under regulation 14(1) of the Prevention and Mitigation of Infectious Disease (Coronavirus) Regulations 2020 was issued.

    The Curfew Order, inter-alia, provided that no person shall remain outdoors as from 20.00 hours on 23 March 2020, with the exception of the following classes of persons, for the purpose of leaving their place of residence for their place of work and back:

    (a)    such judicial officers in respect of such minimum judicial services as the Chief Justice deems essential, and such employees of the public sector, including Ministries and Government departments, public enterprises and statutory bodies, providing essential services to the public as may be designated by the Head of the public bodies concerned; and 

    (b)    employees of the private sector providing strictly essential minimum services.

Mr Speaker, Sir,

Due to the increase in the number of positive COVID-19 cases, a second Order was issued on 31 March 2020 to extend the curfew period up to 15 April 2020.  The Curfew period was subsequently extended for a third time up to 04 May 2020 by way of a new Curfew Order issued on 12 April 2020. A fourth Order has been issued on 04 May 2020 further extending the Curfew period up to 01 June 2020.

    The Curfew Orders issued, also provided for the Commissioner of Police to issue permits to persons on such terms and conditions as he may impose, where he is satisfied that the presence of such persons at their place of work is essential for the provision of minimum services.

    The objective of issuing the permits was to enable employees attend their respective sites of work to perform essential economic activities to ensure that the population at large obtains the minimum services and basic necessities such as food, utilities and medical service to enable them to sustain their living during the confinement period.

Mr Speaker, Sir,

As regards part (a) of the Question, I am informed by the Commissioner of Police that 7,492 permits have been issued during the period 22 March to 04 May 2020, thus allowing 182,595 persons of both the public and private sectors to move to their respective place of work and back home. It is to be noted that several organisations were granted permits to enable them to maintain service on a shift/ roster basis.

I must also point out that this figure does not include some 26,000 employees of the Ministry of Health and Wellness, Police Department, Prisons Department, who, in view of the specific nature of their duties, have been exempted from the requirements of a permit to be able to attend their respective sites of work as from 20 March 2020.

Moreover, during the initial period of sanitary curfew, that is, pending the issue of the first Curfew Order, some 3,600 persons, including Ministers, Heads and senior staff of Ministries/Departments, employees of Air Mauritius, Airports of Mauritius, ATOL, MRA Customs and the Mauritius Ports Authority were allowed to attend their respective place of work from 20 March to 22 March 2020 without any permit.

Mr Speaker, Sir,

With a view to ensuring a continuous supply of vegetables, meat and dairy products, on 26 March 2020, after consultation with the Commissioner of Police, the Ministry of Agro Industry and Food Security issued a Communique authorizing planters to use their Farmer’s cards issued by the Small Farmers Welfare Fund and breeders to use their Business Registration Card for the sole purpose of attending their respective plantations and farms during the curfew period. Some 8,000 planters and breeders were thus exempted from the need to apply for a permit.

Mr Speaker, Sir,

On 26 April 2020, an amendment was made to the Prevention and Mitigation of Infectious Disease (Coronavirus) Regulations 2020 by way of GN 81 of 2020 to provide for the following persons to be exempted from a permit: 

(a)    a person who has to avail himself of medical treatment, or procure essential supplies, food stuff, medicine or any other item essential for his or his family’s subsistence or livelihood; 
(b)    a Judge or Magistrate for the purpose of attending Court; 
(c)    a barrister or an attorney whose services have been retained by a person to attend a police station, place of detention or Court; 
(d)    a medical practitioner for the purpose of attending a hospital, private medical institution or patient in need of urgent medical care; 
(e)    a pharmacist for the purpose of attending his place of work.”

Mr Speaker, Sir, 

In regard to part (b) of the Question, I wish to inform the House that in light of consultations held, it was decided that a minimum number of employees of both the public and private sectors will, subject to such conditions as the Commissioner of Police may impose, be issued with a permit to remain outdoors for the sole purpose of leaving their place of residence to their place of work and back. I am accordingly tabling a copy of the relevant Government Notice No 515 of 2020 as well as the list of approved sectors. (Table A)

Mr Speaker, Sir,

I am informed that the criteria used to determine the eligibility of applications are as follows:
(i)    Whether the applicant falls under the priority sectors listed on the application form.
(ii)    Whether the activities to be carried out are necessary for the provision of basic commodities and services to contribute the ease the hardship of the population.
(iii)    Whether the service to be provided involves the movement or grouping of large number of persons at a same place
(iv)    Applicants should be registered with the relevant authority or should possess their relevant trade licence.
(v)    Inability of employees to work from home.

Applications not falling under the approved sectors were also considered on a case to case basis, depending on the area of activities and justification provided in the application form, for example firms providing support or technical intervention or maintenance services to banks, hospitals etc. 

Mr Speaker, Sir,

    I am further informed that a permit is issued by the Commissioner of Police only where he is satisfied that the employer meets all the criteria for the grant thereof. 

Mr Speaker, Sir,

I wish to add that, following the extension of the curfew order up to 01 June 2020, permits would be issued to allow additional economic activities to take place as from 15 May 2020 as follows:

(a)    hardware stores; 
(b)    Metro and taxis with limited number of passengers; 
(c)    Motor cyclists without passenger (except for child or spouse)
(d)    Restaurants and fast food for take away, drive thru and home delivery only; 
(e)    hairdressers, fish sellers, meat sellers, plumbers, electricians etc
(f)    baby sitters, fishermen;
(g)    additional officers of the public sector;

Mr Speaker, Sir,

As regards the application process, I am informed that on 22 March 2020, a communique was issued by the Office of the Commissioner of Police inviting employers belonging to the approved sectors to make an application to the Commissioner of Police for the issue of a permit in relation to their employees, while also reminding them that permits shall only be issued where the Commissioner of Police is satisfied that the presence of an employee at his place of work is essential to the provision of minimum services in view of the fact that such a permit is an exception to the general rule of restriction of the movement of persons.

    Moreover, the Application Form provides for the employer to sign an Undertaking with a view to certifying that the activities indicated therein are essential to the functioning of his organisation and that he shall comply with all guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health and Wellness on COVID-19. I am tabling a copy of the application form which incorporates the conditions attached to the grant of the permit to applicant (Table B).

Mr Speaker, Sir,

    Regarding part (c) of the Question, I am informed that the Police Department has since the coming into force of the Curfew Order, taken the several measures, such as police presence round-the-clock around the island, road blocks and vehicles check points adopting a zero tolerance and booking of contraveners, amongst others. To this effect, I am informed that some 14,831 persons have been booked for Breach of Curfew Order as at 04 May 2020. 

    I am tabling a detailed list of the measures taken by Police to enforce the curfew order.  (Table C)

Mr Speaker, Sir,

    The COVID-19 pandemic indeed represents an unprecedented challenge for our country. In this extremely difficult time, I would like to commend the exceptional and dedicated works being done by our front-liners, that is, the staff of the Ministry of Health and Wellness and those of the Police Department, who despite a few unfortunate incidents, have been able to maintain law and order across the country.

Mr Speaker, Sir,

I would also like to extend my gratitude to the staff of all other organisations who are contributing significantly to fight the spread of the coronavirus among the population. I would therefore, reiterate my earlier request to the nation to join hands with us so as to face this daunting situation.

    On the same occasion, I would like to express my sympathy to the bereaved families and close relatives of the ten persons who passed away due to the Coronavirus disease.


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