Appartenance ethnique: Rezistans ek Alternativ en appel à l’ONU



«The authors call upon the UNHRC to declare that the general election of 7 November 2019, to the extent that it is being held in the absence of candidates whose disqualification proceeds from a violation of article 25(b) of the Covenant, cannot be considered to be democratic and/or ‘free and fair’ within the spirit of the Covenant.» Rezistans ek Alternativ a, par le biais de leur avocat Me Rex Stephen, lancé un appel officiel à l’ONU. Cela à travers une correspondance.

Les candidats du parti de gauche ne pourront briguer les suffrages demain, jeudi 7 novembre, ayant refusé de déclarer leur appartenance ethnique. Ils estiment que c’est un «breach of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights by the Republic of Mauritius proceeding from the latter’s unjustified failure to comply with the views expressed by the UNHRC atits 105 session of July 2012 which had confirmed a violation, quoad them, of article 25(b) of the Covenant by the said Republic of Mauritius».

La correspondance envoyée par Rezistans ek Alternativ


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