Actor Anushka Sharma has responded to the controversial comment made by former cricketer and commentator Sunil Gavaskar on her and cricketer husband Virat Kohli. Gavaskar made an unsavoury comment on the two after Virat’s Royal Challengers Bangalore lost to Kings XI Punjab on Thursday and the captain showed lack of form.
Taking to Instagram stories, she wrote: “That, Mr Gavaskar, your message is distasteful is a fact but I would love for you to explain why you thought of making such a sweeping statement on a wife accusing her for her husband’s game? I’m sure over the years you have respected the private lives of every cricketer while commentating on the game. Don’t you thing you should have equal amount of respect for me and us?
I’m sure you can have many other words and sentences in your mind to use to comment on my husband’s performance from last night or are your words only relevant if you use my name in the process?
It’s 2020 and things still don’t change for me. When will I stop getting dragged into cricket and stop being used to pass sweeping statements? Respected Mr Gavaskar, you are a legend whose name stands tall in this gentleman’s game. Just wanted to tell you what I felt when I heard you say this.”
The comment by Gavaskar had not gone down well with fans of Virat online. Amid calls to the BCCI to remove Gavaskar from the commentary panel, an earlier statement by Anushka, issued to dismiss claims of favouritism and the tasteless trolling, was brought back by internet.
Ever since she began dating Virat, Anushka has had to face vile comments, being blamed every time her boyfriend and now husband, Virat, would under perform. Speaking about it, she had earlier written: “I have stayed quiet through all the times I was blamed for the performance of my then boyfriend, now husband Virat and continue to take the blame for the most baseless things involving Indian cricket. I kept quiet then,” she had written. Anushka and Virat are expecting their first child together.
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