ANA makes mark in environmental leadership, commits to ambitious ESG Goals for 2050




ANA Group is continuing its commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship by announcing its environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals for 2050. These goals align with the company’s spirit of conservation and sustainability that has formed the basis for its work backing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and has seen the group placed on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for three consecutive years.

The most significant commitment is ANA’s decision to reduce its 2050 CO2 emission from airline operations by 50% compared to 2005 figures. Furthermore, it will work to eliminate CO2 emissions from all non-airline operations through the implementation of energy conservation measures such as replacing older equipment with new efficient solutions in the relevant business divisions.

“ANA will continue to promote initiatives to achieve our ESG-related goals,” said Chikako Miyata, senior vice president and director of corporate sustainability at ANA. “Although the situation at hand is greatly affected by COVID-19, in the long term, our approach to ESG remains unchanged, and we hope to position ourselves for future sustainable growth. The mid-to-long-term ESG goals that we have established aim to strengthen all our business activities, and by pursuing these goals, we would like to develop a strong relationship with the communities we serve as well as our stakeholders. We will aim to continue contributing to a brighter future for all.”

As sustainability rises in importance and environmental protection becomes a more pressing issue, it will continue seeking out opportunities to set the standard for eco-friendly policies that make sense from both a business and ecological perspective.

ANA’s ESG-related commitments and initiatives to 2050 are as follows:

  1. Reduce the CO2 emissions from airline operations by 50% in 2050 compared to 2005 levels (66.6% compared to 2019 levels)
  2. Reduce CO2 emissions from all non-airline operations
  3. Reduce waste of resource
  4. Reduce food waste by 50%

ANA’s SDG-related Commitments to 2030 are:

  1. Responsibility to respect human rights
  2. Promote responsible procurement and supply-chain management
  3. Utilising innovation to solve social issues
  4. Creating personnel to support sustainable growth
  5. Responding to the diversity of our customers
  6. Conservation of biodiversity
  7. Regional revitalisation

ANA has always been on the forefront of innovation in Asia. Read earlier stories about it here

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