Amitabh Bachchan has responded to a woman on Facebook who accused him of “advertising” for the hospital where he was admitted for Covid-19 treatment and said that she had “totally lost respect” for him. Amitabh was discharged from the Nanavati hospital on Sunday after spending 23 days in the isolation ward of the hospital. His son Abhishek Bachchan is still undergoing treatment for the novel coronavirus at the same hospital.
A woman complained about the hospital in the comments section of one of his posts that her 80-year-old father wrongly tested positive for Covid-19 at the hospital and suffered bed sores as the doctors didn’t take proper care of him. She wrote, “Mr Amitabh its really sad the kind of advertisement you’re doing for a hospital like that who don’t care about human life and only want to make money…Sorry but totally lost respect for you.”
Responding to her comment, Amitabh wrote, “Jhanvi ji .. I am truly sorry to learn of what your dear and respected Father had to go through and the subsequent problems he developed. I have been in and out of Hospitals from a young age and with medical conditions that have all been extremely severe. There is a certain Code of Conduct in the medical profession and I have noticed that the doctors specialists nurses management all put the utmost in the care of the patient on hand.”
He added, “Yes lab tests can go wrong, but there are several other tests and conditions from which the assessment is made of any particular ailment. No hospital or doctor in my limited experience has ever not followed a code of conduct, or deliberately done adverse treatments for any commercial gain. This I shall humbly disagree with.”
“NO .. I do not advertise for the Hospital, I want to thank them for THE care and treatment that I got from Nanavati I shall and have done it for every Hospital that I have been admitted to and SHALL CONTINUE TO DO SO WITH GREAT RESPECT I! You may have lost respect for me but let me tell you Jhanvi ji , I shall never loose respect for the medical profession and the Doctors of my country . And one last thing .. MY RESPECT AND RESPECTABILITY is not going to be judged by you.”
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