Actor Alia Bhatt has posed for a new magazine cover, shot by her sister Shaheen Bhatt. Their mother, Soni Razdan, and Alia’s boyfriend Ranbir Kapoor’s mother Neetu left comments on her post. Alia shared the cover, for the latest issue of Elle, on Instagram and captioned it, “Two sisters. One cover.” It shows her in a red and pink silk dress, lying in a bathtub.
Neetu Kapoor dropped a heart emoji in the comments section, while Soni Razdan commented, “And one proud mom.” Shaheen also shared the cover on her Instagram account and wrote in the caption, “Played photographer for the day and photographed my sister for the cover of this month’s @elleindia. Helps that she’s not exactly difficult to take pictures of.”
Soni praised Shaheen’s photography skills and wrote in comments section, “Hey so super ! This pandemic is throwing up so many career ops.”
Shaheen has also written a heartfelt letter for Alia which has been published by the magazine. She wrote, “Dear Alia, I’ll admit, I imagined writing you a letter like this would be easy – a cop-out almost. But, when I actually came to doing it, I was chock-full of questions rather than rousing thoughts to fill a page.” She continued, “You’ve already shown the world exactly who you are. There is no introduction for the readers about who the ‘real’ Alia is because the way I see it, there is no secret Alia, no version of you that’s cloaked in disguise.”
Alia had recently shared a stunning picture of herself on Instagram, probably from the same location as the Elle photoshoot. She can be seen striking a pose in an oversized shrug with a pool in the background.
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