Alia Bhatt has shared a special birthday post for her filmmaker father, Mahesh Bhatt, whom she called ‘Mufasa’ after being inspired from their favourite film, The Lion King. The Sadak 2 director turned 72 on Sunday.
Sharing an adorable childhood picture of herself along with Mahesh and a sketch on Instagram, Alia wrote, “I have nothing long or nothing wise to say today.. Our time this year has been too rich to fit into a caption.. but I will say one thing.. something from our favourite film… “Look inside yourself, you are more than what you’ve become.. remember who you are.. remember!” happy bday my mufasa.. you’re a good man! never believe anything else.”
Actor Soni Razdan, Alia’s mother and Mahesh’s wife, reacted to the post, “Oh my golu. Wise words and simplicity is always the most powerful way to communicate.”
Alia’s elder sister Shaheen Bhatt also penned a heart-touching note for her father. She shared an unseen childhood picture of herself in the lap of her father who is seen patiently feeding her.
She wrote along with it, “Old words that ring as true today: “I believe that what we become depends on what our fathers teach us at odd moments, when they aren’t trying to teach us. We are formed by little scraps of wisdom.” There is no counting the lessons I’ve received from my father and he’s never short of profundity or sweeping words of wisdom about the state of the world we live in when sometimes all you’re trying to do is leave the house. My father’s greatest lesson to me has been in fearlessness, it has been in teaching me to never be afraid of who I am. He taught me how all the reasons I think I can’t fit into the world are actually all the reasons I can – then he taught me how overrated fitting in is. Happy Birthday my Papa, my greatest ally.”
Mahesh and Alia’s first film together Sadak 2 was turned down by the audience as well as the critics. The film released on Disny+ Hotstar on July 10.
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