Akshay Kumar has shared a new promo ahead of the release of his film, Laxmmi Bomb on Disney+ Hotstar. The fun video also features actors Kiara Advani, Alia Bhatt, Kunal Kemmu and cricketers Yuvraj Singh and Rohit Sharma.
Sharing the video on Twitter, he wrote, “Keep your Remote, Popcorn, Nachos, Coke, Cushions and blankets ready as #LaxmmiBomb is coming to your home soon. Watch First Day First Show ki home delivery with #DisneyPlusHotstarMultiplex only on @DisneyplusHSVIP.”
The fun video opens with Akshay, all decked up in a suit, minus his Bell Bottom moustache. He is seen setting the mood for the movie premiere, ready with a television remote in his hand.Alia, meanwhile, is seen complaining about the air conditioner, and moves to the couch for a better seating experience. Kunal Kemmu also finds the perfect corner for watching a movie, ready with a beverage and his iPad.
On the other hand, Kiara makes popcorn and hands it over to Alia, who in turn asks if there are no nachos. Alia hands the bowl to Rohit who finishes all the remaining popcorn and asks if there is no samosa on the snack menu. He finally hands over the empty bowl to Kiara, who asks if they have any manners.
All of them finally take the seat, with Yuvraj checking the surround sound and Kiara changing her dress for the premiere. The video ends with Akshay switching on the television with the remote to play Laxmmi Bomb on the screen.
Laxmmi Bomb would be the actor’s first direct-to-digital release on an OTT platform on November 9. The film will be released in theatres in – Australia, New Zealand and UAE on the same day. The film, directed by Raghava Lawrence, is the Hindi remake of the filmmaker’s 2011 Tamil horror comedy Kanchana. It also features Kiara in a pivotal role.
Alia had witnessed the release of her last film Sadak 2 on Disney+ Hotstar in July. Kunal’s comedy drama Lootcase had also released on the platform in the same month.
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