Bollywood actor Ajay Devgn has shared a loved-up picture with his son Yug, marking the World Environment Day on Friday. In the image, the father-son duo enjoys a dip in what looks like a swimming pool overlooking trees and the entire area is shining with sunlight.
Sharing the picture, he tweeted, “Nurture Nature. Preserve our PLANET. Mother Earth is as sensitive as you & I are. #WorldEnvironmentDay.”
Nurture Nature. Preserve our PLANET. Mother Earth is as sensitive as you & I are. #WorldEnvironmentDay pic.twitter.com/uXjSQm7YJH
— Ajay Devgn (@ajaydevgn) June 5, 2020
Earlier this week, Ajay had paid for oxygen cylinders and ventilators to be used in a makeshift quarantine facility in Dharavi, Mumbai. The facility has a capacity of 200 beds. He donated via Ajay Devgn Films Foundation and had also encouraged others to make donations in a tweet in May, “Dharavi is at the epicentre of the Covid19 outbreak.Many citizens supported by MCGM are working tirelessly on ground through NGOs to provide the needy with ration & hygiene kits. We at ADFF are helping 700 families.I urge you to also donate.”
Dharavi is at the epicentre of the Covid19 outbreak.Many citizens supported by MCGM are working tirelessly on ground through NGOs to provide the needy with ration & hygiene kits. We at ADFF are helping 700 families.I urge you to also donatehttps://t.co/t4YVrIHg3M#MissionDharavi
— Ajay Devgn (@ajaydevgn) May 27, 2020
Other celebrities also supported the cause of Mother Nature on the occasion. Anushka had posted a video on Twitter earlier and wrote, “This World Environment Day, my #OneWishForTheEarth would be that all of us should treat all the plant and animals species with kindness and equality! Let’s all aim to be #ClimateWarriors. @bhumipednekar way to go Dizzy symbol.”
This World Environment Day, my #OneWishForTheEarth would be that all of us should treat all the plant and animals species with kindness and equality! Let’s all aim to be #ClimateWarriors.@bhumipednekar way to go 💫 pic.twitter.com/LPDd2mYqw3
— Anushka Sharma (@AnushkaSharma) June 2, 2020
Also read: Choked movie review: Anurag Kashyap’s Netflix film cashes in on demonetisation
“It’s the need of the hour to inspire our countrymen for a CLEAN and GREEN INDIA …. and be aware of playing with nature. As always the students from the MUSIC SCHOOL at Whistling Woods International even under lockdown have composed and created this fresh music video on MOTHER NATURE. I am sending this personally to you for ur kind publication …who always supports national n human causes. I trust Thank u,” Subhash Ghai wrote.
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