Actor Aishwarya Rai Bachchan has shared a poster made by her daughter Aaradhya on the occasion of Teacher’s Day. Aaradhya made the colourful poster to express her gratitude to her teachers.
Aishwarya shared the poster with just a bunch of emojis as the caption. The picture shows Aaradhya holding her poster, which read: “Thank you and love you my dearest. T – thanking you feels complete and true, E – encouraging us all, always, that’s you, A – awesome, amazing and always our guide, C – caring and nurturing, another mother by our side, H – happy and healthy we blossom and grow, E – expertly educating us while making it fun, R – reassuringly sowing all there is to know, S – shining light on values that truly matter in life under our sun. Happy Teachers Day! love you, Aaradhya Rai Bachchan.”
Many fans wrote in; one said: “She’s so pretty.” Another said, “Aradhya dearest,” while a third user wrote “so cute.”
In July this year, Aishwarya and Aaradhya had tested positive for the coronavirus. After staying in home quarantine for a while, the mother and daughter had to be moved to hospital. They tested negative after a few days, and moved back into home quarantine.
Aishwarya had expressed her gratitude for the good wishes of her fans and had written on Instagram: “God Bless Always.” Aishwarya’s husband, Abhishek Bachchan, and her father-in-law Amitabh Bachchan had also tested positive for the virus and had stayed in hospital for much longer. Abhishek was the last to be discharged.
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