The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) has issued a show-cause notice to designer Manish Malhotra for ‘unauthorised construction’ at his residential premises. “Under Section 351(1) of the Mumbai Municipal Corporation Act, 1888 and as per the Notification dated April 4, 2013, it has been notified that Manish Malhotra has erected/commenced erection of a building/executed/commenced executions of certain work or changed the existing user at premises without permission from the competent authority,” the BMC said in the notice, a copy of which was accessed by ANI.
The BMC has given Manish seven days to respond to the notice to show sufficient cause as to why the said building or work should not be pulled down. The changes pointed out by BMC in the building include the following: unauthorised change of user from residential to commercial office on the first floor, unauthorised addition and alteration by way of erecting partitions/cabins on the first floor, unauthorised construction of two structures with a brick masonry wall and AC sheet roof on second-floor terrace admeasuring 4.80m X 3.70m X 2.50m and 3.80m X 3.50m X 2.50m approximately, unauthorised construction of shed with MS angles and AC sheet roof on second-floor terrace admeasuring 8.35m X 3.50m X 2.50m approximately.
Earlier yesterday, the Bombay High Court stayed the demolition drive being undertaken by the BMC at the property of actor Kangana Ranaut. A bench of the High Court also asked the BMC to file a reply on her petition in the matter.
Kangana, through her lawyer Rizwan Siddiqui, had moved the High Court against the demolition of what the BMC termed as “illegal alterations” at her office.
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