A Bollywood actor late on Saturday accused filmmaker Anurag Kashyap of sexual assault. In an interview, she mentioned that the incident happened during the making of Bombay Velvet. Anurag later took to Twitter to deny all claims and called them baseless.
Taking to Twitter, Anurag wrote in Hindi, “Kya baat hai, itna samay le liya mujhe chup karwane ki koshish mein. Chalo koi nahin. Mujhe chup karaate karaate itna jhoot bol gaye ki aurat hote hue doosri auraton ko bhi sang ghhaseet liya. Thodi toh maryada rakheye, madam. Bas yahi kahunga ki jo bhi aarop hain aap ke sab bebuniyaad hain (You took so long in your attempt to shut me up. Never mind. However, in the process of silencing me, you had no qualms in dragging other women, being a woman yourself. Have some dignity, madam. All I want to say is that all the claims are baseless.)”
He continued: “I have never indulged in such behaviour nor do I tolerate such acts. We will see what happens next. Watching your video, it becomes evident how much truth there is to it, and how much of it is fake. All I want to extend is lots of good wishes and love. I apologise for replying to you in Hindi even as you speak in English.”
He added, “Be it a beloved or the number of female actors and co-workers I have worked with in the past or for that matter all the women I have met in private or in public…” He also spoke about his two marriages and called all claims against him as baseless.
In his last tweet, he mentioned how this was only the beginning of attacks on him. He said he has received a number of phone calls, asking him not to respond.
The actor in question had also tweeted about the incident. She also got a response from Rekha Sharma, chairperson, National Commission for Women, who asked her to send her a detailed complaint on the matter. The actor had later thanked Rekha for her response.
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