- a unique opportunity to discuss the topics that reflect governments’ current challenges in helping citizens to manage their lives and businesses online;
- discussion platforms with e-governance experts from around the world; and
- access to keynote presentations, live discussions and focus on the practical aspects of strategically designing digital agendas and collaborative models of e-governance.
Participants were public sector decision-makers and strategists from countries implementing national e-governance strategies. Donor organisations supporting the development of open, transparent and efficient governance practices via IT solutions, and business community developing e-governance applications and assisting governments with their implementation, also participated.
The conference topics included: converting a vision of digital transformation into actionable small steps: what are the essential steps and how to move ahead? how to make the digital component an essential part of a country’s development and how to finance it? and, how is the transition to the Cloud based Platform Services envisioned, regulated and managed by the governments?
The e-Governance Conference is an annual event organised by the e-Governance Academy (eGA) since 2015. It is supported by the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Development Cooperation.
This year’s conference celebrated the anniversary of the first walk on the Moon. This giant leap for humankind started with small steps: research, meetings, programming, and technology development. The same principle applies to digital transformation and e-governance development.
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