Actor Abhishek Bachchan took to Instagram to reiterate the need to continue being vigilant against coronavirus. He put out a short video asking all to wear masks. He wrote: “Wear your (face wearing mask emoticon). Be safe. Don’t take this virus lightly. #speakingfromexperience #wearamask #covid19 #coronavirus.”
He added how he was speaking from experience. In the video, he says: “Whenever you go out or with somebody, keep your mask on, guys. It’s important. Don’t take this lightly. Be safe.” A number of people wrote in. Actor Sonu Sood dropped a number of black heart emojis. Two users said, “Good to see u healthy” while a third user wrote, “Lovely to see you!! One of my favorite actors, a gentleman and a that good human being vibe radiates through your personality. Looking forward to see all your work..stay safe and stay healthy abhishek Sir..much love!”
In July this year, Abhishek, his father Amitabh Bachchan, wife Aishwarya Rai and daughter Aaradhya had tested positive to coronavirus. Abhishek and Amitabh had to be shifted to a hospital immediately, while Aishwarya and Aaradhya were admitted to the hospital after initial few days of home quarantine. Abhishek took the longest to recover. On the day of his discharge, he wrote: “I TOLD YOU!!! Discharge plan: YES!! This afternoon I tested Covid-19 NEGATIVE.Thank you all for your prayers and wishes. I’m so happy to be able to go home. #believe My eternal gratitude to the doctors and nursing staff at Nanavati Hospital for taking such good care of me and my family and helping us beat Covid-19. We couldn’t have done it without them.”
Early in August, at the time of his father’s discharge from hospital, he had written how he was still to recover: “I, Unfortunately due to some comorbidities remain Covid-19 positive and remain in hospital. Again, thank you all for your continued wishes and prayers for my family. Very humbled and indebted. Folded hands I’ll beat this and come back healthier! Promise.”
Abhishek was last seen in the web series Breathe Into the Shadows, where his co-stars were Nithya Menen and Amit Sadh. Directed by Mayank Sharma, it was aired on Amazon Prime Video.
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