Ryanair unveils pilot training programme



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Ryanair has launched a major training partnership with Astonfly to deliver a mentored programme in Paris to recruit and train up to 500 new cadet pilots over a 4-year period in France. In a strong sign of post-pandemic recovery in international air transport, the low-cost airline aims to attract pilots to support its growth across Europe.

The programme will give trainee pilots a structured path to achieve an exceptional training course and reach a standard where they are ready to join the Ryanair Boeing 737 Type Rating programme.

Pilots on the programme will be trained by Astonfly’s instructors, using Ryanair procedures and operational philosophy, as they take their first steps towards becoming future Ryanair pilots. Over the course of the next 4 years, up to 500 new pilots from across Europe will be recruited and trained by Astonfly, underlining its respected position in the pilot training market.

Neal McMahon, Director of Operations, Ryanair said: “Ryanair is pleased to announce this training partnership with Astonfly, which has an impressive track record in training top-class pilots to the highest standards. This new training programme with Astonfly is Ryanair’s only mentored pilot programme in France and will deliver up to 500 new cadet pilots.”

Senan O’Shea, Head of Crew Training Captain, Ryanair said: “This new Ryanair – Astonfly programme will provide the airline with a steady pipeline of talented and professional pilots from around Europe to meet the needs of our growing network. Ryanair will hire up to 1,000 pilots per annum over the next 4 years and our pilots can look forward to unmatched opportunities flying with the world’s number one international airline. We have carefully chosen Astonfly as our cadet training partner in France due to their high standards in initial flying training. We are very pleased to lend our operational expertise to Astonfly”.

The post Ryanair unveils pilot training programme appeared first on Travel Daily.


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