Pollution sonore : des Souillacois réclament l’intervention du bureau du PM



Des habitants de Morcellement VRS, Souillac, en ont marre des bruits nocturnes en provenance du Restaurant Beluga qui, selon eux, bouleversent chaque week-end leur tranquillité. Raison pour laquelle ils ont écrit au ministère de l’Environnement, à la police de l’environnement, au bureau du Premier ministre, à la Tourism Authority ainsi qu’au conseil de district de Savanne.

« Our house is about 25 metres from the restaurant. Artist make their show, play music and sing loudly until very late at night and in the early morning. My family and some neighboors have already made some statements to the police of Souillac as well to the environmental police. When there is an event there are many vehicles in our residential and many people who dink alcohol outside the restaurant. They screamed and sang very loudly while the musicians played loud music.We called to the police to ask them to intervene, and in some rare cases, they will come and the music will turn down a little bit. The day after the event, bottles of alcohol drinks will be everywhere near the houses », disent-ils.

Les habitants de ce morcellement demandent ainsi aux autorités d’agir contre le propriétaire de l’établissement, affirmant que chaque week-end, leur vie familiale est « bouleversée ».



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Le Mauricien

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