Spain to launch digital nomad visa soon



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Authorities in Spain will unfold their plans for the digital nomad visa during the following months in an effort to attract internationals who can temporarily live in Spain while working for companies or clients outside the country. Such a scheme would also help Spain’s economic sector to recover from the crisis caused by the Coronavirus and its new strains, said.

Previously, Spain’s Economic Affairs Minister, Nadia Calviño, said that “the digital nomad visa will attract and retain international and national talents by helping remote workers and digital nomads set up in Spain.” The digital nomad visa program will permit internationals to live in Spain while working remotely for companies located outside the country without needing a full work visa.

The draft law for such travel permits must now go to the parliament, and it needs a majority of votes to be passed, meaning that it could take until spring. Such a visa is expected to permit people to spend between six and 12 months living and working in Spain without the right to residency. In addition, applicants who meet the requirements are eligible to extend their visas for a specific period. In this regard, Calvino previously stressed that registration fees would be lifted while creating a new company would be streamlined.

“Startups are the foundation of the new digital economy; they generate highly skilled jobs and have high growth potential,” the minister emphasised.

The digital nomad visa scheme, which aims to make the travel process more flexible, productive, and beneficial, also is popular in countries outside Europe, such as Dubai, Costa Rica, Bermuda, Georgia, Antigua, Cayman Islands, Australia, Thailand, and Mexico. Even though the programme is run by many European and non- European countries, authorities in different countries apply different requirements for such travel permits.


The post Spain to launch digital nomad visa soon appeared first on Travel Daily.


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