Via message On 30.04.2020 my sister gave birth to a baby boy at a clinic and g…



Via message

On 30.04.2020 my sister gave birth to a baby boy at a clinic and got discharged on 2.05.2020. On 3.5.2020 she got severed pain in her belly. We then phoned the doctor to which he said thats normal, thereafter i phone again the doctor to tell him that my sister not feeling well. I then brought her again to the clinic. There, the doctor didnot know wats happening to her
She starts to vomit blood. She passed out blood stool. Her CS started to bleed and was opened. She was then transfered to rose belle hospital due to finance issue. There, they operated her again on the same Plea by another doctor. When the doc came out from the operation room he said, she is ok but the doctor who… Mehr



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