Kunal Kemmu has shared an adorable picture with his three-year-old daughter Inaaya. The father-daughter duo is seen twinning in black as they chat with each other on the window side. While Kunal is in black tee and denims and a black hat, Inaaya looks cute in a black frock.
Sharing the picture, Kunal wrote, “It takes 2 to start a conversation. And the conversation can be about a million things.. maybe even 2 million things! Stoked to see my insta family grow. Thank you guys for all the love support criticism and motivation. Will keep doing what I do and will keep growing together. Lots of love.”
Kunal’s fans loved the post. A fan wrote, “Two cuties in one frame.” Another wrote, “lovly girl and dad.” One more commented, “best bond.”
Kunal and wife Soha Ali Khan had recently attended the birthday bash of her nephew Taimur. Inaaya shares a close bond with her cousin and arrived in a blue princess dress paired with a mask for his birthday party. The son of Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor turned four this weekend.
Kunal had earlier said Inaaya is the major reason of their happiness even during the coronavirus pandemic. He had told Times of India in an interview, “She is one of the reasons we are in a good space, mentally. She has brought so much joy into our lives. On her part, Inaaya is happy that we are always at home.”
“She has learnt the word, coronavirus. She also knows that people are staying at home because of it. So, every time I tell her that I want to step out, she says, ‘You can’t, there is coronavirus outside’,” the actor added.
Kunal saw the release of his film Lootcase on an OTT platform during the pandemic. He played the role of a lower middle-class family man who gets his hands on an unclaimed suitcase filled with money.
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