Actor Kareena Kapoor Khan celebrated her birthday with her close family next to her. Pictures and video clips show her sister Karisma Kapoor, their parents – Babita and Randhir Japoor – and husband Saif Ali Khan in attendance.
One of the main attractions was, of course, her birthday cake. One of the pictures shows Kareena, casually dressed in a pale green floral printed blouse and with no make-up on, being clicked with the birthday cake. It resembles an elaborate gown with cream-coloured frills at the base. On top of it is placed a mini Kareena in a red dress.
In another picture, Kareena poses with her parents and older sister while in yet another, all of them stand with Saif Ali Khan and late Shashi Kapoor’s son Kunal and others. Another boomerang video showed her posing by a bunch of grey, black and gold balloons.
A day before her 40th birthday, Kareena went into a reflective mode and wrote a post on Instagram. It read: “As I enter my 40th year… I want to sit back, reflect, love, laugh, forgive, forget and most importantly pray and thank the strongest force up there for giving me the strength and thank my experiences and decisions for making me the woman I am… Some right, some wrong, some great, some not so… but still, hey BIG 40 make it BIG.”
A number of her friends, including Malaika Arora, Sophie Choudry, Dia Mirza and Katrina Kaif, wished her in advance and dropped comments on the post. While Katrina said ‘Happiest happiest birthday’, Telugu actor Ram Charan’s wife Upasana Kamineni Konidela said: “Happy happy birthday ! May u keep motivating & inspiring women across the globe.” Kareena had also shared a picture of the prep for celebrations at her home. She had given a glimpse of kebabs being prepared in her kitchen.
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