Sushant Singh Rajput’s sister Shweta Singh Kirti has shared a video of the wax statue of the late actor that was unveiled recently in West Bengal. An emotional Shweta commented that watching the video made her feel like her brother “came alive”.
Sharing the video, Shweta wrote on Instagram, “Felt as if Bhai came alive! Thank You.” The statue will be kept in the wax artist’s museum. Sushant was found dead in his Mumbai residence on June 14. His death is currently being probed into by three agencies – the Central Bureau of Investigation, Enforcement Directorate and Narcotics Control Bureau.
Shweta recently announced that she has decided to take 10 days off social media. Sharing a picture with Sushant, she had written, “How much ever you try to stay strong, but at times this strong pain takes over that Bhai is actually not there anymore. Will never be able to touch him or see him laugh or listen to him cracking jokes… I wonder how long will it take to heal completely. Have decided to take 10 days off from being online and immerse myself in deep meditation and prayers. Really need to heal from this pain. “
Sushanto Roy (64), a wax artist from West Bengal, chiselled the statue in one-and-a-half month at his studio. “I sculpt the statues of personalities with whom I feel emotionally attached in some way or the other. Whose life and works inspire me. Be it Amitabh Bachchan, Jyoti Basu, Pranab Mukherjee or Maradona. The wax statue of Sushant was also made for the same reason, though I regret that I will never be able to show it to the actor, whose struggle in acting career should be an inspiration to all aspiring actors,” he told PTI.
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