While most Bollywood celebrities and Kangana Ranaut cannot see eye to eye on most occasions, on Wednesday, when the actor’s office in Mumbai was partially demolished by the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC), there were some who came out in her support. Actors such as Dia Mirza, Renuka Shahane, Sonal Chauhan, Anupam Kher took to social media to express their anger about the incident. Kangana had also voiced her anger in a series of tweets, calling it the ‘death of democracy’. Here are what some other celebrities have to say about this demolition drive.
Now just a a joke instead of a JCB the BMC could have put a board outside Kangana’s office saying POK में आपका स्वागत है 🤣😂🤣
Yes or No ?
— Gulshan Devaiah (@gulshandevaiah) September 9, 2020
Gulshan Devaiah, Actor
Kangana is a high performing actor and has a high performing respectable career. What she has done for the female actors and box office success is tremendous. She deserves the respect regardless of what she is saying right now. However a lot of things that she has said are very insincere especially about the film industry and other things and that is also true.
I don’t support #KanganaRanaut‘s often exaggerated & at times even factually incorrect allegations against the movie industry.
I am SUPPORTING her on today’s happenings. What’s being done is WRONG.— Nikhil Dwivedi (@Nikhil_Dwivedi) September 9, 2020
Nikhil Dwivedi, Actor-Producer
I hope that the processes and procedures of law were followed during the demolition. How do we speculate that it wasn’t followed? I am ignorant of the procedure. It seemed wrong but I can’t be sure. It didn’t make for great optics for sure.
More power to you @KanganaTeam this too shall pass and you will come out to be a bigger and better person. Nothing can justify the #Demolition.
— meera chopra (@MeerraChopra) September 9, 2020
Meera Chopra, Actor
Whatever Kangana said was her personal opinion, but being a state government, demolishing something is not justified. It’s a complete challenge for democracy also in a way, they are saying ‘tum hamare khilaaf kuchh bologe toh hum yeh karenge’. A government can’t expect everybody to love themz ek aurat se revenge le rahe ho? What happened to the state being a bigger person and letting it go?
More power to you @KanganaTeam this too shall pass and you will come out to be a bigger and better person. Nothing can justify the #Demolition.
— meera chopra (@MeerraChopra) September 9, 2020
Kavita Kaushik, Actor
I think we are living in times where everyone is just fighting. I feel if people can just respect, they will get respect. There are far more important things happening in the country right now. I think no one should resort to violence of any kind. This seems like a political fight between two very strong parties. Kangana is not in politics right now but she is a very strong, successful and powerful woman. She is fighting it well.
Do not agree at all to Kangana’s point of view of Mumbai ,but she has every right to express what she feels & we can disagree with that, critic that, but THIS! @mybmc its really juvenile and uncalled for .This trend to silence a different point of view by misuse of power is WRONG
— Onir (@IamOnir) September 10, 2020
Onir, Filmmaker
I might not agree with what Kangana says but what BMC has done is misuse of power. She has the right to support or be against the government. Now those who have no problems of libraries being destroyed or what happened at JNU, will talk about this. The whole atmosphere has become toxic. Everyone is so full of hate that people just want to justify things which should not be justified, whichever camps you are in, whatever your political beliefs are. One needs to differentiate between right and wrong.
Politics is what are led us to where we stand today. Politics will make things worse. The current scenario needs attention to real problems, not the creation of more issues.
This is abominable. Not cool BMC, not cool.#KanganaRanaut https://t.co/LqSBJWParM— Kubbra Sait (@KubbraSait) September 9, 2020
Kubbra Sait, Actor
This is not a human on human war kind of a thing. It’s become even more lousy to call it a war against patriarchy, war against Kangana, ‘Arre nahi, I can stand for Kangana’, I can stand for something else also I feel. What’s happening to her is not right. No one has shied away from speaking, we don’t agree with the reasons. it’s not easy to make or break a house. What if it would happen to me? I am not okay with it happening to anyone.
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