As the war of words between Kangana Ranaut and the Maharashtra government continues, the state home minister Anil Deshmukh said that the Mumbai Police will look into her alleged drug links. The investigation will be carried out based on a 2016 interview of her ex-boyfriend Adhyayan Suman, in which he said that she persuaded him to do cocaine.
Deshmukh told ANI, “As per request submitted by MLAs Sunil Prabhu & Pratap Sarnaik, I answered in Assembly and said that Kangana Ranaut had relations with Adhyayan Suman, who in an interview said she takes drugs and also forced him to. Mumbai Police will look into details of this.”
As per request submitted by MLAs Sunil Prabhu & Pratap Sarnaik, I answered in Assembly & said that Kangana Ranaut had relations with Adhyayan Suman, who in an interview said she takes drugs & also forced him to. Mumbai Police will look into details of this: Maharashtra Home Min pic.twitter.com/4ztVcqtP71
— ANI (@ANI) September 8, 2020
Earlier, Shiv Sena leaders Sunil Prabhu and Pratap Sarnaik had submitted copies of Adhyayan’s interview to the government and demanded a probe into the allegations. In the interview, which dates back to 2016, he had claimed that he ‘smoked hash with (Kangana) a couple of times’ but did not enjoy it. He also said she asked him to do cocaine at her birthday party in 2008.
.@KanganaTeam ने स्वयं कहां था कि वह ड्रग लेती थी। उनके पूर्व साथी भी एक व्हिडिओ में वही कहते हैं। अब उन्होंने किससे ड्रग लिया था? कौन उनको ड्रग सप्लाय करता था? इसकी जांच एनसीबी करें ऐसी मैंने मांग क्या उठाई, उन्होंने मुझे ब्लाक कर दिया। क्या अभिव्यक्ति की आजादी कंगनाकोही है? pic.twitter.com/AabfB5rn5I
— Sachin Sawant सचिन सावंत (@sachin_inc) September 7, 2020
“On her birthday in March 2008 at The Leela, she had invited everybody that she had worked with. She said ‘Let’s do cocaine in the night.’ I had smoked hash with her a couple of times before and didn’t like it so I said no. I remember getting into the biggest argument that night because I said no to cocaine,” Adhyayan had told DNA.
Recently, Kangana claimed that 99% of Bollywood engages in the use of drugs. She also urged top stars Ranveer Singh, Ranbir Kapoor and Vicky Kaushal to take a drug test and bust rumours of being ‘cocaine addicts’. “These young men can inspire millions if they present clean samples,” she wrote on Twitter, tagging the prime minister’s office.
Meanwhile, Kangana has been involved in a war of words with the Maharashtra government after she criticised the Mumbai Police and compared Mumbai to Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. She has been granted Y-plus security by the Union home ministry ahead of her visit to Mumbai on September 9.
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