Actor Rhea Chakraborty filed a case against Sushant Singh Rajput’s sister Priyanka Singh on Monday. Now, lawyer Vikas Singh, who is representing Sushant’s family in their case against Rhea, has responded to the latest development. The senior advocate called it a ‘clear attempt’ by Rhea to keep the Mumbai Police involved in the case, so that they can ‘do some mischief’ and ensure that Sushant’s family does not get justice.
Speaking to ANI, the lawyer said, “So this is a clear attempt to somehow keep the Mumbai Police alive in this matter so that they can do some mischief and ensure that the family of Sushant does not get justice in this matter.”
So this is clear attempt to somehow keep the Mumbai Police alive in this matter so that they can do some mischief and ensure that the family of Sushant does not get justice in this matter: Vikas Singh, lawyer of the father of #SushantSinghRajput https://t.co/U6428BsiGG
— ANI (@ANI) September 7, 2020
Rhea filed a complaint with the Mumbai Police against Priyanka and others for acquiring a ‘bogus and unlawful prescription’ for Sushant on June 8, so that he could get access to anxiety medication. She has asked for an FIR to be registered against them.
“I’ve been given a complaint filed by Rhea Chakraborty in Bandra Police station. It’s an effort to keep jurisdiction of Mumbai Police in this matter when SC said complaints with regard to death of Sushant Singh Rajput will be investigated by CBI,” Vikas Singh said.
“If Bandra Police accepts the complaint, it’ll be a violation of the order of Supreme Court and hence a contempt of the court. If Bandra Police proceeds with it, we will take the matter to Supreme Court under contempt of court,” he added, referring to a Supreme Court verdict last month, which ruled in favour of a Central Bureau of Investigation probe. The court said that a ‘fair, competent and impartial investigation is the need of the hour’.
I’ve been given a complaint filed by #RheaChakraborty in Bandra Police station. It’s effort to keep jurisdiction of Mumbai Police in this matter when SC said complaints with regard to death of #SushantSinghRajput will be investigated by CBI: Vikas Singh, Sushant’s father’s lawyer pic.twitter.com/oNVBU7AKSj
— ANI (@ANI) September 7, 2020
If Bandra Police accepts the complaint, it’ll be a violation of the order of Supreme Court and hence a contempt of the court. If Bandra Police proceeds with it, we will take the matter to Supreme Court under contempt of court: Vikas Singh, lawyer of #SushantSinghRajput‘s father
— ANI (@ANI) September 7, 2020
Rhea lodged her complaint on the basis of WhatsApp chats between Sushant and Priyanka that were leaked in the media. According to the chats, Priyanka procured a prescription for Sushant from a family friend, Dr Tarun Kumar of Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital in Delhi. The prescription was for anti-anxiety medication.
Earlier, Vikas Singh had said that the Mumbai Police ‘forced’ Sushant’s family to sign statements written in Marathi, a language they did not understand. “The family has never given any statement of Sushant dying by suicide. These statements were recorded by the Mumbai Police in Marathi. The family also objected, ‘Please don’t write in Marathi if you want us to sign.’ They were forced to sign a statement written in Marathi. They had no clue of what was being written,” he said at a press conference last week.
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