Repost (the previous one got deleted automatically!) The 4th repatriation fligh…



Repost (the previous one got deleted automatically!)

The 4th repatriation flight took off from Delhi on 24th of August at 8pm. Students as well as other stranded Mauritians were able to board this flight from Delhi and Mumbai respectively. All passengers reached Mauritius safely and are quarantined in different quarantine centers.

The MSA along with Mauritian students from other states and parents managed to build a database of students who wished to be repatriated. This database was then sent to concerned authorities for further action.

We would wish to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Nundowah and the parents, who has been supportive and helpful all throughout. Also Mr. Geraldo Grimaud, a Mauritian student from Gwalior who stood with us for the students and also Indian Council For Cultural Relations who were indeed helping the students in every possible ways as well as the Mauritian authorities concerned.

It is to be noted that the next flight for repatriation is due to the 4th of september from Mumbai and we wish the students returning back home a safe flight.



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