Late actor Rishi Kapoor’s family is missing him sorely on his 68th birth anniversary on Friday. Rishi’s daughter Riddhima Kapoor Sahni took to Instagram to share his old pictures with the family and even shared a note in his memory.
Riddhima said that she is still heartbroken over his death but he shall always stay alive in her ‘broken heart’. “Papa, They say when you lose someone, you can’t live without -your heart will badly break! But I know you are living in this broken heart & will be there forever! I know you are watching over all of us & ensuring that we live by the value system you instilled in us! You gave me the gift of compassion -taught me the value of relationships & made me the person I am today! I miss you each day & will always love you! Celebrating you today & always – Happy Birthday,” she wrote in her note.
The photos show him with Riddhima, his son Ranbir Kapoor and wife Neetu Kapoor. One photo even shows him cutting his birthday cake with granddaughter Samara and celebrating the New Year Eve with his family in New York.
Rishi breathed his last on April 29. He was suffering from cancer. The family often shares old pictures of the actor to remember him by. Recently, Neetu had shared a positive note on Instagram, urging people to value their loved ones.
“Big or small..we all have a battle to fight in our heads. You may have a huge house with all the luxuries and still be unhappy whereas have nothing and be the happiest.. it’s all a state of mind !! All one needs is a strong mind and hope for a better tomorrow !Live with gratitude ,hope ,work hard !Value your loved ones as that’s your biggest wealth,” she had shared.
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