Actor Sanjay Dutt’s wife Maanayata has shared a clip with her husband Sanjay and their kids, Iqra and Shahraan, doing the evening aarti to Lord Ganesha, also known as vighna harta (remover of obstacles). Earlier, this month Sanjay was diagnosed with cancer of the lungs.
Shared on her Instagram stories, the clip shows the kids doing the aarti with a diya placed on a plate, aptly aided by their parents. At the start of the 11-day Ganesh Chaturthi festival on Saturday, Sanjay, sharing a picture of their puja podium, had written: “The celebrations aren’t as huge as they used to be every year but the faith in Bappa remains the same. I wish that this auspicious festival removes all the obstacles from our lives and bless us all with health and happiness. Ganpati Bappa Morya.”
In mid August, Sanjay was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. On August 8, the actor had complained of breathlessness and had been rushed to Lilavati hospital. A Covid test was done on him, for which he tested negative. Later, on running a cancer test, the result had come positive.
Amid much speculation, Sanjay has later released an official statement which read: “Hi friends, I am taking a short break from work for some medical treatment. My family and friends are with me and I urge my well wishers not to worry or unnecessarily speculate. With your love and good wishes, I will be back soon!”
Maanayata had later released another statement and said that the actor would preliminary treatment at Mumbai’s Kokikaben hospital. It said: ““For those asking, Sanju will complete his preliminary treatment in Mumbai. We will formulate further plans of travel depending on how and when the Covid situation eases. As of now, Sanju is in the best hands of our esteemed doctors at Kokilaben hospital. I request everyone, with my folded hands, to stop speculating the stage of his illness and let the doctors continue to do their work. We will update you all regularly with his progress.”
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