After sharing glimpses of late actor Irrfan Khan’s beach house, his son Babil has now posted images of treasured items from the maverick artist’s room. He shared old posters of some of the most iconic films starring Irrfan including Maqbool, Paan Singh Tomar and Billu Barber.
Sharing the images, which also included a wall full of black-and-white family pictures, Babil wrote on Thursday morning, “Memories at that house by the beach. Part II.”
He also shared pictures of the books they have in their library, a picturesque view of the balcony/veranda and a glimpse of a board full of notes for Irrfan, including one from filmmaker Anup Singh who worked with Irrfan on their critically acclaimed film, Qissa.
On Wednesday, Babil had shared images for a few rooms of their beach house. “This is my father’s old room near the beach before we shifted to the city. This is where he did most of his work. Studying acting now, I think of one of the ideas that he used to implement; that the craft has immense emotional similarities to playing around as a child. At age 9, when you hold that cricket bat inside the walls of your room, you can feel a stadium roar and see a bowler rushing to knock your head off. When I held that nerf gun in my hands, my father’s empty room always echoed in the silence of Madh Island, but in that moment I was John Wick surrounded by bad guys with machine guns, gunshots everywhere, and you can hear them, you know? I was a woman once, after watching chak de India and I’d get excited dribbling around imaginary defenders and then really shoot that solid ball with my hockey stick and I’d break something. Oh I’d always break something, ma would get so pissed. I think you’ve got to find the child in you and keep it alive, no matter how old you get,” he captioned the images.
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