Actor Anupam Kher on Friday gave an important update on mother Dulari’s health. He said she was doing better, adding a note on brother Raju Kher and his family’s health too.
Anupam wrote: “Mom is better than before. So are Raju, Reema and Vrinda. God is kind!!” He posted a throwback picture of Dulari decorating a Christmas tree. On Sunday, Anupam had informed that his mother and brother’s family had tested positive.
Anupam has been regularly talking about his mother. Two days back, he had shared a video on Instagram and said how his mother has not been told about the real reason for her admission to the hospital. “Though we told her you have infection, you don’t have Covid. But she understands because she is surrounded by people so she knows it.” He mentioned how she had been asking about everyone’s health from the hospital.
On Sunday, Anupam had shared the information that his mother had tested positive to coronavirus and had been shifted to Kokilaben Hospital. He had written on Twitter: “From the last few days, my mother – Dulari, suffered from a loss of appetite and she used to sleep a lot, post which she got her blood test which came out normal. After which the doctor advised us to get her CT scan done which showed her as mild Covid positive.”
He had added that while he had tested negative, his brother’s family had tested positive. “Me and my brother also got ourselves tested in which I came out as negative while my brother, his wife and niece have been tested positive too, while my nephew has been tested negative.”
Thanking his fans for their good wishes, he had asked all to take the disease seriously. “Friends, Thank you for all the wishes and love for my mom Dulari, brother Raju, his wife and my niece. I am thankful to all of you. Your messages gave me strength. But, I want to say that social distancing is not just a word. Understand its practicality. Take it seriously.”
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