The first trailer of filmmaker Prakash Jha’s next, Pareeksha is here and the intense drama will hold your attention in the 48 seconds that it lasts. Pareeksha features Adil Hussain, Priyanka Bose and Sanjay Suri in lead roles and traces the hardships of a poor family struggling to secure a good education for their only child.
The video opens with Adil singing ‘Baba black sheep’ as he pulls a cycle rickshaw. His son is good at studies and they want him enrolled in an English medium school where he can secure education better than what he gets in the government school. How he is treated by the privileged, and even those round him as he sets out on this quest is aptly woven in the short video.
Sharing the trailer, Adil wrote on Twitter, “Here is the Teaser Trailer of our Film #Pareekska directed by Prakash Jha, releasing on 6TH AUGUST on @ZEE5India.” Sanjay is seen in the role of a cop while Priyanka plays Adil’s wife in the film.
Can an ordinary rickshaw driver help his son get the education he needs to unlock his dreams?
Multi-award winning director Prakash Jha presents this beautiful and heart-wrenching tale in #PareekshaOnZEE5, premieres 6th August. pic.twitter.com/TrAGoq74rV
— ZEE5Premium (@ZEE5Premium) July 16, 2020
Speaking about the film, Adil had said in a statement, “Pareeksha is a very important film of our time, which tells a story of a Brilliant Boy being deprived of his right to education due to his poverty stricken family. The far-reaching consequences of such a situation is disastrous!. Pareeksha is such a story, which will stir your heart. And make feel better, that you witnessed something you thought not possible! Watch it on Zee5.”
Sharing the source of his inspiration for the, Prakash said, “The film is inspired by the real events and people. Shri Abhayanand is an IPS officer and educationist who while serving as the Police Chief in Bihar’s Naxal infested areas, came across kids from those villages who were so bright with their native wisdom that they inspired him to begin coaching them to crack the IIT-JEE… the toughest exam/test which the young students must clear to be able to join one of the best educational institutes in the country. Their success had a great impact in the crime infested badlands of Bihar and made a difference.”
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