The aim is to ensure that the Ganesh Chaturthi festival and the Shri Venkateshwara Pooja are held in the best possible conditions. Several representatives from the government and socio-cultural associations were present to discuss and share their proposals as to the advent of both religious ceremonies. During the meeting, arrangements were made for, among others, the dredging of rivers, the renovation of certain sites or even the paving and resurfacing of roads.
Addressing the Task Force, Prime Minister Jugnauth expressed his gratitude towards the socio-cultural associations for their collaboration during the confinement period which has helped into creating awareness among the various segments of the population in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic in Mauritius. He reassured the various socio-cultural representatives that government will take on board the proposals raised so that the religious ceremonies are celebrated smoothly.
He recalled that wearing of masks is mandatory and appealed to all those attending the religious ceremonies to abide by the set of preventive sanitary measures put in place regarding the Covid-19 situation.
Ganesh Chaturthi festival will be celebrated at national level on August 22 and 23, while the Shri Venkateshwara Pooja from August 20 to October 25, for a duration of 67 days.
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