Actor Tara Sutaria shared pictures of the latest addition to her family – a beautiful five-month old Beagle. While her twin sister Pia and she can’t stop gushing over her, it is Tara’s rumoured boyfriend Aadar Jain who gave her a name.
Taking to Instagram, Tara wrote: “Welcome home, Baby Bailey!!! @aadarjain @piasutaria.” Among those who congratulated her and showered love on the dog was Aadar who gave her pet a name. He named her Bailey. Reacting to it, Tara replied: “@aadarjain Whoever named her knows what he’s doing.” Aadar had written: “Welcome home Bailey!” Tara’s sister, sharing the same set of pictures, had written on Instagram: “Welcome home I love you way too much already!”
In one of the pictures, Bailey sits gracefully by huge white-coloured cupboards, with her brown and white presenting an interesting contrast. In the second picture, she looks away from the camera.
Tara Sutaria’s interaction with Aadar Jain on Instagram.
Bollywood stars often express love for their pets. Only on Thursday, late actor Rishi Kapoor’s wife Neetu and daughter Riddhima welcomed a Shih Tzu pup into their home and named it Doodle. Sharing a picture, Neetu had written: “Can’t thank @riddhimakapoorsahniofficial enough for this cute button “Doodle “ also @vardaan_gupta__ for sending.” Riddhima too wrote: “We welcome this cutie Doodle #shitzulove Thank you @vardaan_gupta__ He is absolutely adorable.”
In her picture, Neetu can be seen holding the pup in arms, resting it on her shoulder. Her eyes are shut too with a feeling of contentment on her face.
In the past, Alia Bhatt too has shared pictures of her pets – she has cats at her home but her boyfriend Ranbir Kapoor has two dogs – Lionel and Nido. Reports suggest that Alia and Ranbir having been living together in a separate apartment since a few months. Sharing pictures with one of Ranbir’s dogs, Alia had written some time back, “They make everything better.” At another time, she had written, sharing a picture of both Lionel and Nido, “Time to show off some photography.. Ufff! #lovethypet.”
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