Filmmaker Abhishek Kapoor, who launched Sushant Singh Rajput in Bollywood with the 2013 film Kai Po Che!, will pay a special tribute to him along with his wife Pragya Kapoor. They will feed 3,400 impoverished families through her NGO, Ek Saath: The Earth Foundation, in memory of the late actor.
Sharing the news in an Instagram post, Pragya wrote, “We will miss you #sushantsinghrajput #ishaan #mansoor #kaipoche #kedarnath #abhishekkapoor #eksaathfoundation.” She told IANS, “It’s our way of honouring him and his craft, everything he has done and achieved, to celebrate him and everything he stands for. As friends, it gives us something to hold on to.”
Abhishek and Pragya were among the few from the film industry who were present at Sushant’s funeral, which took place at the Pawan Hans crematorium on June 15. The actor was found dead at his Mumbai home a day earlier, on June 14. The police said that it was a case of death by suicide and that no note was found.
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Earlier, Abhishek penned a heartfelt eulogy for Sushant. “I am shocked and deeply saddened by the loss of my friend. We made two very special films together. He was a generous and fabulous actor, who worked very hard to breathe life into his characters. I pray for his family, whose loss is unmeasurable. He was a huge science buff and consumed by what lay beyond in the universe. I’m going to miss you brother. Stay interstellar,” he wrote in an Instagram post.
After collaborating together on Kai Po Che!, Abhishek directed Sushant in the 2018 disaster drama Kedarnath, which marked the Bollywood debut of Sara Ali Khan.
Pragya shared a picture with Sushant and wrote on Instagram, “Shocked. Angry. Devastated. Heartbroken. You will always be special my boy #sushantsinghrajput.”
If you need support or know someone who does, please reach out to your nearest mental health specialist. Helplines: Aasra: 022 2754 6669; Sneha India Foundation: +914424640050 and Sanjivini: 011-24311918
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