Tourism Authority proposes set of measures for operators to resume their activities



GIS  – 30 May
Operators in the tourism
sector will be authorised to resume their activities, except for marine
activities as from Sunday 31 May 2020, under strict sanitary measures.

This was announced in a communique issuedby the
Tourism Authority following Government’s decision to end the curfew today at

The objectives of these sanitary measures are to
ensure that companies take all health precautionary measures for their
employees and their future customers, send a reassuring message to
international markets related to the safeguard of the health of the population
as well as visitors andensure the sustainability of Destination Mauritius. Other
measures taken are as follows:

the resumption
of activities will be permitted only if all the requirements of the ‘health
protocol for the resumption of activities in the tourism sector’ are observed.These
protocols, validated by the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) on 27 May
2020, can be consulted on the web page


the recommendations of the
World Health Organization as well as those of the Ministry of Health and
Wellness have been taken into considerationto limit the risks of a second wave
of the Covid-19 infections


the launching of a Web
Application soon to enable each tourist operator to undergo a self-assessment
whereby a certificate bearing the seal “Safe Travels approved by
WTTC” will be issued to each operator who has adopted the health measures
recommended. This certificate will be generated from the Web Application and
will be mandatory for each operator licensed by the Tourism Authority.

The Tourism Authority highlighted that it will
ensure compliance with these measures, which can be amended at any time as the
pandemic evolves, through regular inspections. Failure to comply with the same
may result in suspension of the licence of the operator.

Government Information Service, Prime
Minister’s Office, Level 6, New Government Centre, Port Louis, Mauritius.
Email:  Website:  Mobile App: Search Gov


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