Adrien Duval : «Boolell doit faire un U-turn dans sa conduite en tant que leader de l’opposition, sinon nous sommes condamnés»



«Nous avons besoin maintenant d’un leadership fort dans l’opposition, plus que jamais. Boolell doit faire un U-turn dans sa conduite en tant que leader de l’opposition, sinon nous sommes condamnés. L’avenir en dépend». Message d’Adrien Duval, sur sa page Facebook, ce mercredi matin, 13 mai, dans le sillage des débats sur le Covid-19 Bill et le Quarantine Bill.

Adrien Duval souligne que le leader de l’opposition a volontairement accepté d’écourter le débat en acceptant un temps de parole de 20 minutes pour chaque intervenant, soit, 20 secondes sur chaque législation.

« Pire encore, Boolell a accepté la proposition éhontée d’avoir deux orateurs du gouvernement pour un orateur de l’opposition, soit, 20 députés du gouvernement et seulement 12 députés de l’opposition pour participer à un débat aussi important » souligne Adrien Duval.

Dans son message, Adrien Duval précise également que le Covid-19 Bill est un «bundle of new provisions » qui a pour but de modifier 57 législations existantes, notamment la Bank of Mauritius Act, la Finance Act et la Workers Rights Act».

Et de souligner encore que la plupart des amendements seront considérés comme étant en vigueur depuis le 23 mars 2020.

Ci-dessous l’intégralité de son message :

Debates on the Covid 19 Bill & Quarantine Bill will start today. 

The Covid 19 Bill is essentially a bundle of new provisions which shall modify 57 existing legislations including the Bank of Mauritius Act, Finance Act, Workers Rights Act and other important legislations. Most amendments will be deemed to have been in operation since 23rd March 2020. Enormous changes are being brought to (i) the rights of workers to fair severance allowance upon termination of employment, which shall now be 30 days salary only, regardless of the term of service of the employee; (ii) the removal of the national debt ceiling, meaning, that the debt, as opposed to GDP ratio, formerly capped at 65% by law, can now be limitless; (iii) various powers to curtail freedom of movement, trade and access of the public are being given to ministers without requiring them to go to Parliament first, by empowering them to impose their rule by way of Regulations, i.e publications in the Government Gazette, effectively circumventing Parliament completely. 

The Quarantine Bill is even more atrocious, as it removes the long standing principle of Judicial supervision of Police powers, that requires the Police to first obtain judicial warrants in order to arrest persons or search their property. The police will now be able to detain and arrest citizens at will and enter private property of their choosing whenever the Country is under medical curfew without any supervision of the judiciary, as is often the case in the worst dictatorships. Moreover, the Bill removes the fundamental right of a person to choose whether or not to undergo medical treatment and we will now be forced to undergo medical treatment whether or not we consent to it. Furthermore, once a person is placed in quarantine, he shall not have the right to see a doctor of his choosing for a second opinion unless the Quarantine Officer agrees. The post of  Quarantine Officer is being created giving the holder enormous decision making power to decide on the fate of our citizens without any check or balances. 

This is a brief introduction to the catastrophe that awaits this Country. The absolute worst by far, is the fact that, the “Leader of Opposition” has voluntarily agreed to curtail the debate by allowing a mediocre 20 mins of talk time to each intervener, that is, 20 seconds on each legislation being amended! Worst still, is the fact that Boolell agreed to the shameless proposition to have 2 Government orators for every 1 Opposition orator, that is 20 Government MPs and only 12 Opposition MPs to participate in such an important debate. 

We need strong leadership in the Opposition NOW, more than ever. Boolell needs to make a major U-turn in his conduct as Leader of Opposition or else we are doomed. The future depends on it.


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Defi Media

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