Voici la Une de News on Sunday de ce vendredi 28 février 2020




Can Mauritius weather the storm?

The spread of Covid-19 new cases has emerged across Europe and this has created a lot of stir. Many countries are closing their frontiers and cities. It seems that the world economy has caught a cold.  As the coronavirus spreads and raises the risk of recession, the economy of Mauritius is also at stake. If ever the virus reaches Mauritius, are we prepared to deal with it? While the Ministry of Health has taken all necessary precautions to contain the infection, any panic will have other consequences, such as restriction of movement of people, closure of schools or shops. Has the government taken steps to ensure, for example, that no shortage of basic provisions arises? Should people start stockpiling at home?

Budget 2020/2021

Early consultations amidst uncertainties

Pre-budget consultations will start much earlier this year. In the wake of the forthcoming 2020/2021 Budget, the Ministry of Finance is already inviting economic and social stakeholders to submit their proposals by 23rd March 2020. The government is determined to implement its programme presented on 24th January last. But the 2020/2021 Budget will face certain constraints beyond our control, namely the coronavirus and the adverse listing of Mauritius by the FATF.

Ms Bogolo Kenewendo : “Youth leadership is definitely African”

In April 2018, Ms Bogolo Joy Kenewendo was appointed as the Minister of Investment, Trade and Industry in Botswana. At the age of 31, she became the youngest parliamentarian of Botswana’s history and one of Africa’s few female ministers. The former Minister has joined the African Leadership University family and the ALU Residency Programme. She was in Mauritius for a month where she conducted master classes on international commerce and youth leadership. News on Sunday had the opportunity to interview Ms Kenewendo on key issues concerning the African continent.

21st February Mother Language Day

Mother languages are dying in Mauritius

Last week, Mother Language Day was celebrated all around the world. There are around 6,500 languages existing on this planet. But every two weeks, one language is dying. Similar to the way we take our mothers for granted, we allocate the same treatment to our mother language.

Young Professionals

Teenage pregnancy: Education is key

Since teenage pregnancy seems to be spiraling out of control, our young professionals, here, all advocate that it is time for our authorities to seriously address this issue. However, they perceive parents as well as teachers as major stakeholders to discuss sex education with the young ones, starting as early as the first class of secondary school before launching any campaign.  


Extreme pain joints that shouldn’t be ignored

More often people complain of excruciating pain in the elbow or shoulder joint without knowing that they are suffering from bursitis. It is a serious condition that requires medical intervention. Dr S. Karunagaran, Consultant Orthopedics, Spine Surgeon, Specialist in Joint Replacement & Sports Medicine, provides us with the necessary information concerning this medical condition.

Franchette Emilien

A volunteer in the soul

The young lady is passionate about bringing positive changes that would make others happy. Her range of volunteer activities include teaching children how to read, tackling poverty issues and attempting to lighten up the faces of the underprivileged. Franchette Emilien does not hesitate to come out of her comfort zone to take up challenges.




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Defi Media

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