Insight Vacations unveils new level of e-learning programme



Following the successful re-launch of its e-learning programme in the fall with the introduction of the bronze level, Insight Vacations, global leader in premium escorted journeys, has now released the silver level on its specialist e-learning programme.

The second level of the new course is designed with travel advisors in mind and focuses on offering them a deep understanding of what makes the brand unique in the market. Whether a novice or an expert, they are guaranteed to benefit from the course by having access to a bank of examples showcasing what makes Insight holidays unforgettable for clients and through the tools, knowledge and confidence to sell Insight Vacations.

“The silver level of the Insight Specialist eLearning programme enables advisors to highlight what makes Insight’s journeys so personal, stylish and magical, which in turn will benefit them with increased sales, rewards and elated clients,” said Anthony Lim, managing director of Asia in Insight Vacations.


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