Travel Advisor Execs Bullish on 2020 Sales Outlook Despite Politics – Skift



Whether you are a home-based travel advisor or you work in a large office servicing high-profile accounts, the Travel Advisor Innovation Report will have you covered with the trends, news, and features you’ll need to stay on top of an ever-changing marketplace.

What does an upcoming U.S. presidential election — not to mention what may be a prolonged impeachment process — spell for travel advisor sales? If research from Virtuoso on how the last three presidential elections affected sales is an indicator, it could mean a slowdown in growth.

Despite this, heads of some of the major travel advisor networks and organizations are predicting the year ahead will mirror the record-breaking growth of 2019. The strong economy, plus the fact that consumer travel spending seems to be less affected by geopolitical events than it has in years past, could defy the adage that presidential election years put a damper on business.

Industry leaders, however, also said travel advisors should be mindful of protecting bookings by staying engaged with clients and keeping them enthused about travel. After all, taking a vacation from the hot air emanating from the political arena may be more appealing than ever.

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— Maria Lenhart, Travel Advisor Editor

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Skift Travel Advisor Editor Maria Lenhart [] curates the Skift Travel Advisor Innovation Report. Skift emails the newsletter every Tuesday. Have a story idea? Or a juicy news tip? Want to share a memo? Send her an email.

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Photo Credit: Donald Trump speaks during a tax bill passage event in Washington, D.C., on Dec. 20, 2017. The 2020 U.S. presidential election could affect travel advisor sales, yet agency executives are still confident that the year ahead will closely mirror 2019’s unprecedented growth. Patrick Semansky / Associated Press


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