Voici la Une de News on Sunday de ce Vendredi 22 Novembre 2019



Voici la Une de News on Sunday de ce Vendredi 22 Novembre 2019
News on Sunday
ven 22/11/2019 – 07:15

Resumption of Parliament : new faces at the helm
The newly-elected members made their grand entry in parliament on Thursday for the next five years. It was a moment of pride for the neophytes. Interestingly, it has been long time since the country has seen such a young government at its head. With 75% of Cabinet members under the age of 60, the hemicycle of the National Assembly looks like it has been given a facelift.

Dr. Dhananjay Keskar : “Sharing resources can raise standard of education”
The new government has already sprung into action, and as promised in their manifesto, this current Government has already started to fulfil its agenda for the Education sector: Distribution of free books till Grade 9. But that’s not the only thing required for students. I approached the Director of Amity, Mauritius, on what the private players in Education are expecting from the new government, their expectations and their suggestions to lift this sector upward and to turn Mauritius into the Education Hub of Africa.

Summer season : Blooming businesses
Time for vacation, outdoor activities, sunbathing and more, the summer season in Mauritius is also the time for the blooming of business. As the temperatures are high, all are looking out for the best ways to cope with the hot and sticky atmosphere. Some particular appliances and products know a real success during this time.

Ottobock Mauritius : Bionic hand prosthesis arrives in Mauritius
An artificial hand that helps to restore one’s autonomy. This is the purpose of Bebionic, a ‘myoelectric’ hand prosthesis whose technology allows for finger control and precise tasks. Brought in Mauritius by Ottobock in Socota, Phoenix, the bionic hand is the solution to amputees.

2nd Anniversary of Défi Santé – Family Health Day: Targeting well-being of the nation
Health and well-being are at the heart of every family. In line with its 2nd anniversary, the Défi Santé, one of the digital platforms of the Défi Media Group, is organising a Family Health Day dedicated to the health and well-being of the whole family on Saturday, 23rd November, at La City Trianon, from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm.

Emerging sectors : Will cricket boost the Sports Economy?
The new Finance Minister does not seem to consider as alarming the high level of public debt. Rather, he wants to focus on economic expansion to support growth. According to him, if the population has confidence in the economy, it will experience a boost. Thus, emerging sectors like the Sports Economy will play a greater role to contribute to the economy.

Mohinee Heeramun : From timid lady to charismatic leader
Dedication, passion and commitment have turned Mohinee Heeramun into a role model worthy of emulation for the next generation. Her determination to overcome her timidity has paid off. Today, Mohinee Heeramun is not only the President of Rotaract of Ebene but also features in different organisations bringing out the best in her surroundings. 




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Defi Media

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