The grand winner of the competition will be awarded a total cash prize of Rs 300 000 and a trophy. As regard to the different SMEs categories namely micro, small and medium, the winners, the first runner up and the second runner up will receive a cash prize of Rs 200 000, Rs 100 000 and Rs 50 000 respectively, together with a shield.
Application form, guidelines, questionnaire and other relevant documents is available on the following websites: enterbusiness.govmu.org and www.smemu.org. Hard copies are available at the SME Registration Unit and SME Mauritius at 25, Pope Hennessy Building, Pope Hennessy Street.
SME Mauritius’ has been set up to better support the SMEs and recommended in the 10 year Master Plan for the SME Sector. Its main objects are to promote and develop entrepreneurship, and provide the necessary support and assistance to the micro, small and medium enterprises in Mauritius.
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