The Hotels Network launches hassle-free way to personalise website



The Hotels Network, a hotel technology company which pioneered the concept of predictive personalisation, has announced the launch of its latest product innovation: Inliners. The focus of this release is to take website personalisation to the next level by enabling hotel brands to embed messages directly into the page, resulting in an inline design that is intentionally more subtle.

By showing hyper-relevant messages at critical points throughout the booking process, brands can nudge visitors towards a booking and ultimately boost direct conversions. With this latest launch, it is now possible for hotel brands to fully optimise their user journey strategy without interrupting the UX.

This infinitely personalisable content management system completely transforms how to manage marketing messages on hotel brand websites. The hotels will be able to tailor the messaging for any group of users due to behavioural targeting now.

Juanjo Rodriguez, founder of The Hotels Network commented: “Speaking with hoteliers around the globe, in particular within luxury brands, Inliners clearly offer something that fulfils a need but that until now was not available in the market.”


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