In his address, Minister Boissézon recalled that the public service sector has played a crucial role in shaping the socio-economic landscape of the country adding that this has been possible through the successful implementation of Government policies and measures, supported by necessary legislative framework. He added that the Ministerial system of Government was established in 1957 but it was only after Independence in 1968 that the public service gained greater importance in the administration of Mauritius.
Since then, he pointed out, the public service sector has strived to adopt innovative and environmentally-friendly means to deal with daily challenges and achieve excellence in service delivery. According to Mr Boissézon, emphasis is being laid on the Public Sector Transformation Plan which is the key to modernising the system and reach out for administrative efficiency.
The Minister seized the opportunity to laud the hard work and determination of civil servants who have empowered Government services and have laid the foundation for sustained progress of the country. He added that it is important to provide capacity building and training programmes for civil servants and to equip them with necessary tools and resources for them to excel in their duties.
For his part, Mr Moteea, said that the launching of the cover has been possible due to the strong collaboration between the Mauritius Post Ltd and the Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms. The cover, he added, is symbolical of the significance of the public service and will help add value to the contributions of the sector.
United Nations Public Service Day
The United Nations Public Service Day was designated by the United Nations General Assembly’s resolution 57/277 of 2003, to “celebrate the value and virtue of public service to the community”. The day also marks the anniversary of the date when the International Labour Organization adopted the Convention on Labour Relations (Public Service) which determines working conditions of all civil servants across the world.
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